Saturday, August 31, 2019

Protestant Reformation Essay Essay

Have you aver questioned authority or superior forces than yourself? Martin Luther and John Calvin, two famous theologians deeply questioned their times authority, the Catholic Church. These two had created a new way of thinking and voicing it out, especially when it comes to religion. Questioning the Catholic Church and the works that came with that made both of them landmark points in the world’s history but the question relies on why they attacked the fundamental principles of the church. The strong opposition to selling indulgences and that anyone could make its way to heaven if they had the right amount of money was what ignited the reformation, including Martin Luther 95 theses against indulgences. Later on came John Calvin’s work against the Catholic Church including the Geneva reform and his idea of predestination, the idea that God is willing all of the events that can happen in one’s life. Both of these theologians had intentions of creating a truer version of the Christian religion and created their own form and version of Catholicism, Calvinism and Lutheranism. Some viewed these new branches/forms of Christianity as a new way of interpreting the religion and some; according to Prentice Hall world history thought it would be a chance to â€Å"throw off the rule of both the Church and the Holy Roman Empire.† (Ellis and Esler 64) In a whole, both of their works were a way to challenge and attack the Church and to voice out their ideas, which differed from those of the religious authorities. In this time period, late 15th through the end of the 16th century, the Catholic Church was the predominant authority and religion in most of Europe, it had a set of rules, in theory based on the bible, that everyone had to follow. However, these so called laws from the bible were modified and made to arrange the leaders, especially rich individuals. One of the main laws was flagrantly unequal and people understood that but couldn’t voice it out fearing the superior powers in rule. This law, of course was in the advantage of the most fortunate and the richest. This was the law selling indulgence and paying off your sins, meaning that if you had the right amount of money one could pay its way to heaven. As said earlier, several people believed it wasn’t correct and equal; however the problem they faced in those times was that a wide range of people did not know how to read and had no evidence or proof that what the Catholic Church said was different from what was written in the bible. When well-educated theologians such Martin Luther heard about such law, he found it unacceptable, to demonstrate it, he wrote a set of points against selling indulgences and how indulgences should be. This directly â€Å"challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church on the nature of penance, the authority of the pope and the usefulness of indulgences.† (Theopedia, Encyclopedia of Christianity) Luther posted these points on the Church’s door and it grabbed people attention, nevertheless a wide range of people believed that these points were true. This was the spark of Lutheranism, a new branch of Christianity based on the Martin Luther’s ideas and works. Few years later came John Calvin, a theologian and reformer. Calvin attacked at his turn the Catholic Church. He, very similarly to Luther, believed that selling indulgences wasn’t correct and more importantly he embraced the concept of predestination, the belief that God is wanting and knows everything that might happen in one’s life. He also created a theocracy; a government that was ran by church headmen. Based on his ideas and concepts he created, at his turn, a new branch of Christianity. This was another challenge forwarded to Catholic Church. On the other hand, the Catholic Church did not change any of its laws through out the reformation period. Catholicism compared in numerous ways with both Calvinism and Lutheranism on many subjects. In Catholicism, the bible is one source of truth and church tradition is another source of truth. However in Calvinism and Lutheranism, the bible is the only source of truth. These branches also differ in how the belief is revealed, in Catholicism the priest interprets the bible and people are transmitted that information through Church teachings. On the other side, in the two other branches, people read and interpret the bible for them to find what is written. Catholicism also believes that salvation is achieved through faith and good work, and most importantly that one can pay off its sins with current money; this is way the branches differ. Selling indulgences was the result of needing money to finance lavish pope lives, and the artists they paid to work for them. This meant that the Catholic Church was widely moving away from the original biblical writing and interpreting it differently to finance personal projects. In these cases religion wasn’t respected and that is what mainly sparked these large reforms. In Catholicism, the only way to achieve salvation is through faith and good works. At those times, popes and renaissance leaders took advantage of all of these modified biblical rules and mind washed people to achieve once again personal projects. This branch of Catholicism also gave a disadvantage of unfortunate people, lower classes and poor people. During the reformation times, poor people did not know how to read and therefore could read and have their own interpretation of the bible. Their only way to know what is supposedly written was through the priest’s interpretation and Church teaching. However, as stated earlier these teachings and passing of religious laws were not accurate, they were modified by the priests and upper class barons, which obviously gave them an advantage. Lutheranism was the first branch that appeared. When Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the Church’s doors, he expected an obvious opposition by the leaders and authorities. When Luther’s ideas started spreading the Church asked him to remove all of his works and let his projects down. Instead â€Å" he developed even more radical and new doctrines.† (Ellis and Esler 63) One of the key factors to the spread of his ideas was the existence Gutenberg’s’ invention, the printing press. It made it possible to print a large amount of copies of the 95 theses. Among his ideas, he stated that salvation could be achieved through faith and faith alone, compared to Catholicism and Calvinism. Martin also said that at the head’s church should be an elected council. Calvinism was also a source of inspiration to all of the peasants that believed that this rule has been brain washing them and in favor of the richest. It ignited revolts all over Europe and results in socio-economic changes; these were mainly present through out Germany. One of the points Luther stressed is that all Christians should have the same and equal access to religion and God. This was an immense attack to the principles of the Catholic Church. What was making the Catholic Church’s head so influent and imposing was being attacked, those times people not accessing accurate information made it possible for the authorities to remain. However, with these new prominent and seemingly fair ideas, the Church was vulnerable to new revolts and opposition. Last, Lutheranism also was a wonderful opportunity to gain power. Small German princes embraced Lutheranism for the simple reason to overthrown the current Catholic Church. On the other side, Lutheranism doesn’t share a lot of details with Catholicism; they both share monotheist views, faith in God and Jesus as well as other broad and large concepts. Lastly, Calvinism came to create a new reformed type of Protestant Christianity. John Calvin, the major author of this new branch was himself a reformer and had lived in various European countries, he was a â€Å"refugee among refugees.† (Vosloo 3) However once in Geneva, Protestant wanted him to lead their people. To do that Calvin created a theocracy, a government led by church leaders. They later on gave birth to Calvinism, which was fundamentally attached to the predestination concept.. To Calvinists, predestination is what rules our everyday life and our future, God knows what we did, do, and will do. They also believe in the idea that God has already determined who would acquire salvation, and that the world contained two different types of people, those who sinned and saints At its turn it was a way to challenge the Catholic Church since it strictly denied the existence of predestination and that there wasn’t such thing. Calvinism was not very far different from Lutheranism, both believed that the bible is the only source of information and that every citizen should read and interpret the bible by his or her own means. In this branch, work and honesty, Calvinism was so strict that anyone that engaged in laughing in church, dancing, or fighting would be heavily fined. Nevertheless, Calvinism expanded through visitors and travelers that came to Geneva to embrace the concept of Calvinism, and then brought it back home. This was so successful that in Scotland a Calvinist rebel defeated the Catholic Queen and gained power. On the other side of the English Canal, violent war was going on between Calvinists and Christians. To conclude, the reformation was a time period of questioning, a time of new reforms and equal laws. Martin Luther and John Calvin were the landmarks in these times and were the ones that ignited the reformation. Creating new religious branches, Calvinism and Lutheranism, which embraced laws that gave an opportunity to the poor to understand the true meaning of the bible. Giving this opportunity to unfortunate people helped start new socio-economic reforms in their favor. It was the fruit of Luther and Calvin’s questioning of the Church and the attack of their principles. By writing the 95 theses against selling indulgences, Luther made people aware that the Church’s laws were not always coherent. The people’s huge uncertainty toward the Catholic Church made it easier for Calvin to impose new beliefs such as predestination and a more refined and clean way of living religion. All three branches of Christianity had both common and non-common points however Lutheranism and Calvinism were much more similar than to Catholicism.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Creating Shared Value: Lessening the Tension Between Society and the Economy by Utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility to Its Full Potential

Creating Shared Value: Lessening the Tension between Society and the Economy by Utilizing Corporate Social Responsibility to its full Potential PA 311 Introduction to Civic Engagement INTRODUCTION Commerce is an essential part of humanity. Without commerce man would most likely still be in an animalistic state relying on the hunter-gatherer life style. With business and trade, come economic prosperity and a higher standard of living. However, business can also create situations that are unjust and not equitable for all humans.On the same token, society can create environments in which a business cannot successfully operate. A tension between economy and society has existed since the beginning of modern human culture. Throughout history cultures have tried to lessen the tension with mixed results. Communism attempted to eradicate the problem by eradicating the profit motive but in the end, it was unsuccessful. Socialist theorists failed to understand that business is part of human nat ure and if wielded correctly can benefit not only the business, but the society as well.In modern times the attempt to lessen the tension between the two has taken the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). While it has many benefits it also leaves the profit motive out of the equation by only focusing on the needs of society and not of business. In its current state, CSR is not a sustainable form of philanthropy and will ultimately fail. A newer version of CSR, Creating Shared Value takes into account, not only society’s needs but the businesses’ as well. By operating within this model we can create a self-sustainable equilibrium in which both business and society as a whole, prosper.Only by uniting the two, and focusing on the commonalties, not the differences, can we create a situation in which the tension between economics and society are tempered. This paper will show how the modern era attempted to lessen the tension between the two by the creation of CSR . It will show the history of the program and ultimately its failings. Later, it will focus on the new concept of Creating Shared Value and how it can benefit society and lessen the tension between economics and society. Origins of Corporate Social ResponsibilityBenjamin W. Heineman, a senior vice president for law and public affairs at General Electric, defines CSR as. 1. Strong, sustained economic performance. 2. Rigorous compliance with financial and legal rules. 3. Ethical and other citizenship action, beyond formal requirements, which advance a corporation’s reputation and long-term health (Olowski, p. 6). These concepts were not the norm in business forty years ago. Most people believed that corporation’s sole responsibility was to conduct business and be profitable.However, the role of business in society began to be seriously questioned during the cultural revolution of the 1960s. With the possible exception of the depression of the 30s corporations were held i n high esteem in America. From the early beginnings of US business to the 1960s people assumed that business existed solely to serve the economic needs of the country. Businesses produce goods and services and employ citizens thus providing them economic security. Employed Americans can then buy more goods and services producing more commerce and business which leads to more employment (Wilson, 2000, p. 3).This role is very important in a society because if it is done correctly, it will eventually raise the standard of living for most of its citizens. This idea that corporations were merely agents of economics was not seriously challenged until the 1960’s (Wilson, 2000, p. 6). During the turbulent 60s there were many societal changes that led to the birth of Corporate Social Responsibility and a heighted sense of conflict between society and business. Affluence doubled in the decade of the sixties allowing more young adults to attend college. Citizens of the US became more fi nancially stable and better educated (Wilson, 2000, p. ). With this social growth came more expectations from corporations in regards to safety, quality, and environmental considerations. They also had increased consumer buying power giving them the freedom to choose which products and from which firms they would purchase. At the same time confidence in our institutions were begging to wane in part due to the war in Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement (Ackerman, 1979, p. 4). Corporations, which were run mostly by an older generation, were quick to dismiss the changing tides as â€Å"a few radical kids on campus† (Wilson, 2000, p. 8).However, as pressure mounted on American corporations, many politicians took the mantle and conducted congressional hearings to investigate corporate scandals. Starting in the late 60’s corporations’ general mentality began to change as they felt the impact on their corporate image and their bottom line (Wilson, 2000, p. 10). Thoug h there had always been tension between the public and business, not until the 60’s was there such a strong public backlash to corporate scandals. Starting with boycotts of the Civil Rights Movement and the agricultural sector, businesses began to change their attitudes towards the public.This was exacerbated with the scandal of Nestle, who, for decades, sold infant formula as a substitute for breast milk in many developing nations with devastating effects on infant development (Richter, 2001, p. 50). Also during the Vietnam War, Dow Chemical, the major producer of napalm and Agent Orange saw their public image devastated. The two chemicals that they sold to the US government compounded the pain and suffering of the Vietnamese people and many in the US began to protest and boycott their products. Later in the 20th century Nike was found to have unfair working conditions in many of its factories in developing nations.This scandal, like that of Nestle and many others, had a det rimental effect on the company’s reputation and ultimately their profits. US corporations knew they had to react to stay competitive in the changing world. American firms changed from being reactionary to social and political scandals to being pro-active. In an attempt to restore their image with the public they started to invest in what is now known as Corporate Social Responsibility. Problems with Corporate Social Responsibility Porter and Kramer in their work Strategy and Society (Harvard Business Review, 2006, p. ), remark that there are four main arguments for Corporate Social Responsibility: moral obligation, sustainability, license to operate, and reputation. However, most companies CSR approaches were created and implanted to bolster their reputations. Not that this is particularly unfounded because in this market economy many companies live or die by their reputations. Their CSR policies can produce some societal benefits. However, many focus on â€Å"short term def ensive reactions†¦ with minimal value to society and no strategic benefit for the business† (Porter, Kremer, 2006 p. ). Porter and Kremer (2006) also state that all four of these rationales share the same weakness; â€Å"they focus on the tension between business and society rather than on their interdependence. They mostly focus on issues that are unrelated to their business practice and set up philanthropic programs designed to bolster their corporate image† (p 4). For example Ford, which up until recently, were having monetary difficulties, donated a large portion of money to help develop an environmentally friendly high tech football stadium for the Detroit Lions.The idea was well intentioned but keeping the money and investing in many of their Midwest plants could have kept them from shutting down, thus preserving jobs and stock holder equity (Olowski, p. 12). The major criticism of CSR is that it is a shield against corporation’s wrong doings. One migh t argue that they are trying to buy the public’s support by investing in projects that will gain them notoriety. Though CSR in this state may be well intentioned, giving money away frivolously does little to assist the business and in most cases does little for society.This is unfortunate, because corporations possess vast resources and have the potential to create a lasting impact. Companies have a symbiotic relationship with the communities in which they live and do business. An unhealthy community is not a good environment for firms and likewise an unhealthy company does not benefit the community. A company that seeks profits at the expense of its people will be unsuccessful. However the reverse is also true; citizens who attempt to drive out successful businesses will only end up hurting their communities.Only by recognizing the linkage between the two will the tension between society and business be tempered. As Wilson states in his book, The New Rules of Corporate Condu ct (2000, p. 16); â€Å"But the scene (CSR) is ever in motion. There is no point of stability and equilibrium. Where we are now is not a settled end point but a springboard to the future. † The new concept of Creating Shared Value attempts to restore the balance and equilibrium between society and business. Creating Shared Value Porter and Kramer wrote in their study, Strategy and Society (2006, P. ) that â€Å"no business can solve all of life’s ills. † Companies, historically, have used CSR to focus on issues not related to their business model and have gotten mixed results both from society and their bottom line. This is not a sustainable business model because it does not create wealth potential. Many CRS initiatives have been disregarded by firms due to lack of share holder interest and monetary problems. Instead, Porter and Kramer argue that a more sustainable system should benefit both parties.Firms, wanting to engage in CSR, should focus on a single issu e that creates shared value between the business and society. By focusing on social issues directly related to the business they can create a greater impact that is measurable and sustainable. In essence, Creating Shared Value is about benefiting the society and the company. When the two come together to create shared value both benefit tremendously and the tension is lessened. A good example of the concept of Creating Shared Value comes from an unlikely source; Nestle.Although they partook in some unforgivable business practices, they possess some redeeming qualities. In the 1960’s Nestle built a dairy in the northern Indian province of Moga. This was an extremely poverty stricken area where farmers lacked refrigeration and veterinary care for their cows. Nestle built refrigerated collection points in each town and sent its trucks to come and collect milk from each farmer. Nestle also provided veterinary care and information to the farmers not only for their benefit but to e nsure that the milk they were receiving was of high quality.The relationship between the farmers of Moga and Nestle continued to grow and benefited both tremendously. When Nestle opened its first dairy, they had only 180 farmers who sold milk. As of when this study was produced there are now over 75,000 (Porter, Kramer, 2006 p. 11). Now Moga has a significantly higher standard of living in comparison with other provinces of India. Nestle benefited by entering into a new market and gaining a competitive advantage without having to pay middlemen for their milk. This is a good example of how shared value can benefit both the society and the business.CONCLUSION Throughout human history many have attempted to resolve the conflict between economics and society. Even in the early stages of the United States our founding fathers recognized that a strong economy would foster an even stronger society. As Henton, Melville and Walesh state in their book The Civically Engaged Reader (2004, P. 91 ); â€Å"Adams and Madison reconciled these extremes with their pragmatic view that civic government and free markets could channel self-interest toward public good. The modern commercial society developed from a market economy based on shared principals. During the modern era, many companies attempted to diminish the tension between their business and the surrounding society with the creation of Corporate Social Responsibility. They figured that if they invested in social programs their image would not be negatively affected. Ultimately, CSR was a failure because it did not recognize the link between society and business. Instead, it focused solely on preserving the companies’ reputation without realizing the potential business opportunities that the commonalities could create.Creating Shared Value attempts to fix the failings of CSR by concentrating on the linkage between society and business and creating opportunities that benefit both parties. As Porter and Kramer state in Strategy and Society (2006, P 13); Efforts to find shared value in operating practices and in the social dimensions of competitive context have the potential not only to foster economic and social development but to change the way companies and society think about each other.Only by realizing that society and economics engage in a symbiotic relationship will we be able to extinguish the tension between the two. Works Cited Olowski, Lew J. Corporate Social Responsibility: It’s History, Ethical Justification, And Abuses in the Business World. Retrieved from http://www. rockhurst. edu/news/events/images/projecti/olowski. pdf Porter, M. E. , Kramer, M. R. (2006) Strategy and Society. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from http://www. salesforcefoundation. org/files/HBR-CompetiveAdvAndCSR. pdf Henton, D. , Melville J. , Walesh K. 2004). Civic Revolutionaries. San Francisco, CA: Jossey – Bass. Wilson, I. (2000). The New Rules of Corporate Conduct: Rewriting the Social Ch arter. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Davis, L. E. , Hughes, J. R. , McDougall, D. M. (1969). American Economic History: The Development of a National Economy. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Richter, J. (2001). Holding Corporations Accountable. New York, NY: Zed Books Ltd. Ackerman, R. W. , Bauer, R. A. (1979). Corporate Social Responsiveness: The Modern Dilemma. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company, Inc.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Twilight Saga 2: New Moon Chapter 21 VERDICT

WE WERE IN A BRIGHTLY LIT, UNREMARKABLE HALLWAY. The walls were off-white, the floor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling. It was warmer here, for which I was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers. Edward didn't seem to agree with my assessment. He glowered darkly down the long hallway, toward the slight, black shrouded figure at the end, standing by an elevator. He pulled me along, and Alice walked on my other side. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then there was the thud of a bolt sliding home. Jane waited by the elevator, one hand holding the doors open for us. Her expression was apathetic. Once inside the elevator, the three vampires that belonged to the Volturi relaxed further. They threw back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders. Felix and Demetri were both of a slightly olive complexionit looked odd combined with their chalky pallor. Felix's black hair was cropped short, but Demetri's waved to his shoulders. Their irises were deep crimson around the edges, darkening until they were black around the pupil. Under the shrouds, their clothes were modern, pale, and nondescript. I cowered in the corner, cringing against Edward. His hand still rubbed against my arm. He never took his eyes off Jane. The elevator ride was short; we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home. In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it. She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. She would have been very pretty in any other companybut not here. Because she was every bit as human as I was. I couldn't comprehend what this human woman was doing here, totally at ease, surrounded by vampnes. She smiled politely in welcome. â€Å"Good afternoon, Jane,† she said. There was no surprise in her face as she glanced at Jane's company. Not Edward, his bare chest glinting dimly in the white lights, or even me, disheveled and comparatively hideous. Jane nodded. â€Å"Gianna.† She continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room, and we followed. As Felix passed the desk, he winked at Gianna, and she giggled. On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely. He came forward to meet us. He smiled, reaching for her. â€Å"Jane.† â€Å"Alec,† she responded, embracing the boy. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides. Then he looked at us. â€Å"They send you out for one and you come back with two and a half,† he noted, looking at me. â€Å"Nice work.† She laughedthe sound sparkled with delight like a baby's cooing. â€Å"Welcome back, Edward,† Alec greeted him. â€Å"You seem in a better mood.† â€Å"Marginally,† Edward agreed in a flat voice. I glanced at Edward's hard face, and wondered how his mood could have been darker before. Alec chuckled, and examined me as I clung to Edward's side. â€Å"And this is the cause of all the trouble?† he asked, skeptical. Edward only smiled, his expression contemptuous. Then he froze. â€Å"Dibs,† Felix called casually from behind. Edward turned, a low snarl building deep in his chest. Felix smiledhis hand was raised, palm up; he curled his fingers twice, inviting Edward forward. Alice touched Edward's arm. â€Å"Patience,† she cautioned him. They exchanged a long glance, and I wished I could hear what she was telling him. I figured that it was something to do with not attacking Felix, because Edward took a deep breath and turned back to Alec. â€Å"Aro will be so pleased to see you again,† Alec said, as if nothing had passed. â€Å"Let's not keep him waiting,† Jane suggested. Edward nodded once. Alec and Jane, holding hands, led the way down yet another wide, ornate hallwould there ever be an end? They ignored the doors at the end of the halldoors entirely sheathed in goldstopping halfway down the hall and sliding aside a piece of the paneling to expose a plain wooden door. It wasn't locked. Alec held it open for Jane. I wanted to groan when Edward pulled me through to the other side of the door. It was the same ancient stone as the square, the alley, and the sewers. And it was dark and cold again. The stone antechamber was not large. It opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge castle turret which was probably exactly what it was. Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below. There were no artificial lights. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, like thrones, that were spaced unevenly, flush with the curving stone walls. In the very center of the circle, in a slight depression, was another drain. I wondered if they used it as an exit, like the hole in the street. The room was not empty. A handful of people were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation. The murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air. As I watched, a pair of pale women in summer dresses paused in a patch of light, and, like prisms, their skin threw the light in rainbow sparkles against the sienna walls. The exquisite faces all turned toward our party as we entered the room. Most of the immortals were dressed in inconspicuous pants and shirtsthings that wouldn't stick out at all on the streets below. But the man who spoke first wore one of the long robes. It was pitch-black, and brushed against the floor. For a moment, I thought his long, jet-black hair was the hood of his cloak. â€Å"Jane, dear one, you've returned!† he cried in evident delight. His voice was just a soft sighing. He drifted forward, and the movement flowed with such surreal grace that I gawked, my mouth hangmg open. Even Alice, whose every motion looked like dancing, could not compare. I was only more astonished as he floated closer and I could see his face. It was not like the unnaturally attractive faces that surrounded him (for he did not approach us alone; the entire group converged around him, some following, and some walking ahead of him with the alert manner of bodyguards). I couldn't decide if his face was beautiful or not. I suppose the features were perfect. But he was as different from the vampires beside him as they were from me. His skin was translucently white, like onionskin, and it looked just as delicateit stood in shocking contrast to the long black hair that framed his face. I felt a strange, horrifying urge to touch his cheek, to see if it was softer than Edward's or Alice's, or if it was powdery, like chalk. His eyes were red, the same as the others around him, but the color was clouded, milky; I wondered if his vision was affected by the haze. He glided to Jane, took her face in his papery hands, kissed her lightly on her full lips, and then floated back a step. â€Å"Yes, Master.† Jane smiled; the expression made her look like an angelic child. â€Å"I brought him back alive, just as you wished.† â€Å"Ah, Jane.† He smiled, too. â€Å"You are such a comfort to me.† He turned his misty eyes toward us, and the smile brightenedbecame ecstatic. â€Å"And Alice and Bella, too!† he rejoiced, clapping his thin hands together. â€Å"This is a happy surprise! Wonderful!† I stared in shock as he called our names informally, as if we were old friends dropping in for an unexpected visit. He turned to our hulking escort. â€Å"Felix, be a dear and tell my brothers about our company. I'm sure they wouldn't want to miss this.† â€Å"Yes, Master.† Felix nodded and disappeared back the way we had come. â€Å"You see, Edward?† The strange vampire turned and smiled at Edward like a fond but scolding grandfather. â€Å"What did I tell you? Aren't you glad that I didn't give you what you wanted yesterday?† â€Å"Yes, Aro, I am,† he agreed, tightening his arm around my waist. â€Å"I love a happy ending.† Aro sighed. â€Å"They are so rare. But I want the whole story. How did this happen? Alice?† He turned to gaze at Alice with curious, misty eyes. â€Å"Your brother seemed to think you infallible, but apparently there was some mistake.† â€Å"Oh, I'm far from infallible.† She flashed a dazzling smile. She looked perfectly at ease, except that her hands were balled into tight little fists. â€Å"As you can see today, I cause problems as often as I cure them.† â€Å"You're too modest,† Aro chided. â€Å"I've seen some of your more amazing exploits, and I must admit I've never observed anything like your talent. Wonderful!† Alice flickered a glance at Edward. Aro did not miss it. â€Å"I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced properly at all, have we? It's just that I feel like I know you already, and I tend get ahead of myself. Your brother introduced us yesterday, in a peculiar way. You see, I share some of your brother's talent, only I am limited in a way that he is not.† Aro shook his head; his tone was envious. â€Å"And also exponentially more powerful,† Edward added dryly. He looked at Alice as he swiftly explained. â€Å"Aro needs physical contact to hear your thoughts, but he hears much more than I do. You know I can only hear what's passing through your head in the moment. Aro hears every thought your mind has ever had.† Alice raised her delicate eyebrows, and Edward inclined his head. Aro didn't miss that either. â€Å"But to be able to hear from a distance† Aro sighed, gesturing toward the two of them, and the exchange that had just taken place. â€Å"That would be so convenient.† Aro looked over our shoulders. All the other heads turned in the same direction, including Jane, Alec, and Demetri, who stood silently beside us. I was the slowest to turn. Felix was back, and behind him floated two more black-robed men. Both looked very much like Aro, one even had the same flowing black hair. The other had a shock of snow-white hairthe same shade as his facethat brushed against his shoulders. Their faces had identical, paper-thin skin. The trio from Carlisle's painting was complete, unchanged by the last three hundred years since it was painted. â€Å"Marcus, Caius, look!† Aro crooned. â€Å"Bella is alive after all, and Alice is here with her! Isn't that wonderful?† Neither of the other two looked as if wonderful would be their first choice of words. The dark-haired man seemed utterly bored, like he'd seen too many millennia of Aro's enthusiasm. The other's hice was sour under the snowy hair. Their lack of interest did not curb Aro's enjoyment. â€Å"Let us have the story,† Aro almost sang in his feathery voice. The white-haired ancient vampire drifted away, gliding toward one of the wooden thrones. The other paused beside Aro, and he reached his hand out, at first I thought to take Aro's hand. But he just touched Aro's palm briefly and then dropped his hand to his side. Aro raised one black brow. I wondered how his papery skin did not crumple in the effort. Edward snorted very quietly, and Alice looked at him, curious. â€Å"Thank you, Marcus,† Aro said. â€Å"That's quite interesting.† I realized, a second late, that Marcus was letting Aro know his thoughts. Marcus didn't look interested. He glided away from Aro to join the one who must be Caius, seated against the wall. Two of the attending vampires followed silently behind himbodyguards, like I'd thought before. I could see that the two women in the sundresses had gone to stand beside Caius in the same manner. The idea of any vampire needing a guard was faintly ridiculous to me, but maybe the ancient ones were as frail as their skin suggested. Aro was shaking his head. â€Å"Amazing,†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ he said. â€Å"Absolutely amazing.† Alice's expression was frustrated. Edward turned to her and explained again in a swift, low voice. â€Å"Marcus sees relationships. He's surprised by the intensity of ours.† Aro smiled. â€Å"So convenient,† he repeated to himself. Then he spoke to us. â€Å"It takes quite a bit to surprise Marcus, I can assure you.† I looked at Marcus's dead face, and I believed that. â€Å"It's just so difficult to understand, even now,† Aro mused, staring at Edward's arm wrapped around me. It was hard for me to follow Aro's chaotic train of thought. I struggled to keep up. â€Å"How can you stand so close to het like that?† â€Å"It's not without effort,† Edward answered calmly. â€Å"Butstillla tua cantante! What a waste!† Edward chuckled once without humor. â€Å"I look at it more as a price.† Aro was skeptical. â€Å"A very high price.† â€Å"Opportunity cost.† Aro laughed. â€Å"If I hadn't smelled her through your memories, I wouldn't have believed the call of anyone's blood could be so strong. I've never felt anything like it myself. Most of us would trade much for such a gift, and yet you† â€Å"Waste it,† Edward finished, his voice sarcastic now. Aro laughed again. â€Å"Ah, how I miss my friend Carlisle! You remind me of himonly he was not so angry.† â€Å"Carlisle outshines me in many other ways as well.† â€Å"I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame.† â€Å"Hardly.† Edward sounded impatient. As if he were tired of the preliminaries. It made me more afraid; I couldn't help but try to imagine what he expected would follow. â€Å"I am gratified by his success,† Aro mused. â€Å"Your memories of him are quite a gift for me, though they astonish me exceedingly. I am surprised by how it pleases me, his success in this unorthodox path he's chosen. I expected that he would waste, weaken with time. I'd scoffed at his plan to find others who would share his peculiar vision. Yet, somehow, I'm happy to be wrong.† Edward didn't reply. â€Å"But your restraint!† Aro sighed. â€Å"I did not know such strength was possible. To inure yourself against such a siren call, not just once but again and againif I had not felt it myself, I would not have believed.† Edward gazed back at Aro's admiration with no expression. I knew his face well enoughtime had not changed thatto guess at something seething beneath the surface. I fought to keep my breathing even. â€Å"Just remembering how she appeals to you† Aro chuckled. â€Å"It makes me thirsty.† Edward tensed. â€Å"Don't be disturbed,† Aro reassured him. â€Å"I mean her no harm. But I am so curious, about one thing in particular.† He eyed me with bright interest. â€Å"May I?† he asked eagerly, lifting one hand. â€Å"Ask her,† Edward suggested in a flat voice. â€Å"Of course, how rude of me!† Aro exclaimed. â€Å"Bella,† he addressed me directly now. â€Å"I'm fascinated that you are the one exception to Edward's impressive talentso very interesting that such a thing should occur! And I was wondering, since our talents are similar in many ways, if you would be so kind as to allow me to tryto see if you are an exception for me, as well?† My eyes flashed up to Edward's face in terror. Despite Aro's overt politeness, I didn't believe I really had a choice. I was horrified at the thought of allowing him to touch me, and yet also perversely intrigued by the chance to feel his strange skin. Edward nodded in encouragementwhether because he was sure Aro would not hurt me, or because there was no choice, I couldn't tell. I turned back to Aro and raised my hand slowly in front of me. It was trembling. He glided closer, and I believe he meant his expression to be reassuring. But his papery features were too strange, too alien and frightening, to reassure. The look on his face was more confident than his words had been. Aro reached out, as if to shake my hand, and pressed his insubstantial-looking skin against mine. It was hard, but felt brittleshale rather than graniteand even colder than I expected. His filmy eyes smiled down at mine, and it was impossible to look away. They were mesmerizing in an odd, unpleasant way. Aro's face altered as I watched. The confidence wavered and became first doubt, then incredulity before he calmed it into a friendly mask. â€Å"So very interesting,† he said as he released my hand and drifted back. My eyes flickered to Edward, and, though his face was composed, I thought he seemed a little smug. Aro continued to drift wnh a thoughtful expression. He was quiet for a moment, his eyes flickering between the three of us. Then, abruptly, he shook his head. â€Å"A first,† he said to himself â€Å"I wonder if she is immune to our other talents Jane, dear?† â€Å"No!† Edward snarled the word. Alice grabbed his arm with a restraining hand. He shook her off. Little Jane smiled up happily at Aro. â€Å"Yes, Master?† Edward was truly snarling now, the sound ripping and tearing from him, glaring at Aro with baleful eyes. The room had gone still, everyone watching him with amazed disbelief, as if he were committing some embarrassing social faux pas. I saw Felix grin hopefully and move a step forward. Aro glanced at him once, and he froze in place, his grin turning to a sulky expression. Then he spoke to Jane. â€Å"I was wondering, my dear one, if Bella is immune to you.† I could barely hear Aro over Edward's furious growls. He let go of me, moving to hide me from their view. Caius ghosted in our direction, with his entourage, to watch. Jane turned toward us with a beatific smile. â€Å"Don't!† Alice cried as Edward launched himself at the little girl. Before I could react, before anyone could jump between them, before Aro's bodyguards could tense, Edward was on the ground. No one had touched him, but he was on the stone floor writhing in obvious agony, while I stared in horror. Jane was smiling only at him now, and it all clicked together. What Alice had said about formidable gifts , why everyone treated Jane with such deference, and why Edward had thrown himself in her path before she could do that to me. â€Å"Stop!† I shrieked, my voice echoing in the silence, jumping forward to put myself between them. But Alice threw her arms around me in an unbreakable grasp and ignored my struggles. No sound escaped Edward's lips as he cringed against the stones. It felt like my head would explode from the pain of watching this. â€Å"Jane,† Aro recalled her in a tranquil voice. She looked up quickly, still smiling with pleasure, her eyes questioning. As soon as Jane looked away, Edward was still. Aro inclined his head toward me. Jane turned her smile in my direction. I didn't even meet her gaze. I watched Edward from the prison of Alice's arms, still struggling pointlessly. â€Å"He's fine,† Alice whispered in a tight voice. As she spoke, he sat up, and then sprang lightly to his feet. His eyes met mine, and they were horror-struck. At first I thought the horror was for what he had just suffered. But then he looked quickly at Jane, and back to meand his face relaxed into relief. I looked at Jane, too, and she no longer smiled. She glared at me, her jaw clenched with the intensity of her focus. I shrank back, waiting for the pain. Nothing happened. Edward was by my side again. He touched Alice's arm, and she surrendered me to him. Aro started to laugh. â€Å"Ha, ha. ha,† he chuckled. â€Å"This is wonderful!† Jane hissed in frustration, leaning forward like she was preparing to spring. â€Å"Don't be put out, dear one,† Aro said in a comforting tone, placing a powder-light hand on her shoulder. â€Å"She confounds us all.† Jane's upper lip curled back ever her teeth as she continued to glare at me. â€Å"Ha, ha, ha,† Aro chortled again. â€Å"You're very brave, Edward, to endure in silence. I asked Jane to do that to me oncejust out of curiosity.† He shook his head in admiration. Edward glared, disgusted. â€Å"So what do we do with you now?† Aro sighed. Edward and Alice stiffened. This was the part they'd been waiting for. I began to tremble. â€Å"I don't suppose there's any chance that you've changed your mind?† Aro asked Edward hopefully. â€Å"Your talent would be an excellent addition to our little company.† Edward hesitated. From the corner of my eye, I saw both Felix and Jane grimace. Edward seemed to weigh each word before he spoke it. â€Å"I'd rather not.† â€Å"Alice?† Aro asked, still hopeful. â€Å"Would you perhaps be interested in joining with us?† â€Å"No, thank you,† Alice said. â€Å"And you, Bella?† Aro raised his eyebrows. Edward hissed, low in my ears. I stared at Aro blankly. Was he joking? Or was he really asking me if I wanted to stay for dinner? It was the white-haired Caius who broke the silence. â€Å"What?† he demanded of Aro; his voice, though no more than a whisper, was flat. â€Å"Caius, surely you see the potential,† Aro chided him affectionately. â€Å"I haven't seen a prospective talent so promising since we found Jane and Alec. Can you imagine the possibilities when she is one of us?† Caius looked away with a caustic expression. Jane's eyes sparked with indignation at the comparison. Edward fumed beside me. I could hear a rumble in his chest, building toward a growl. I couldn't let his temper get him hurt. â€Å"No, thank you,† I spoke up in barely more than a whisper, my voice breaking in fright. Aro sighed. â€Å"That's unfortunate. Such a waste.† Edward hissed. â€Å"Join or die, is that it? I suspected as much when we were brought to this room. So much for your laws.† The tone of his voice surprised me. He sounded irate, but there was something deliberate about his deliveryas if he'd chosen his words with great care. â€Å"Of course not.† Aro blinked, astonished. â€Å"We were already convened here, Edward, awaiting Heidi's return. Not for you.† â€Å"Aro,† Caius hissed. â€Å"The law claims them.† Edward glared at Caius. â€Å"How so?† he demanded. He must have known what Caius was thinking, but he seemed determined to make him speak it aloud. Caius pointed a skeletal finger at me. â€Å"She knows too much. You have exposed our secrets.† His voice was papery thin, just like his skin. â€Å"There are a few humans in on your charade here, as well,† Edward reminded him, and I thought of the pretty receptionist below. Caius's face twisted into a new expression. Was it supposed to be a smiled. â€Å"Yes,† he agreed. â€Å"But when they are no longer useful to us, they will serve to sustain us. That is not your plan for this one. If she betrays our secrets, are you prepared to destroy her? I think not,† he scoffed. â€Å"I wouldn't,† I began, still whispering. Caius silenced me with an icy look. â€Å"Nor do you intend to make her one of us,† Caius continued. â€Å"Therefore, she is a vulnerability. Though it is true, for this, only her life is forfeit. You may leave if you wish.† Edward bared his teeth. â€Å"That's what I thought,† Caius said, with something akin to pleasure. Felix leaned forward, eager. â€Å"Unless† Aro interrupted. He looked unhappy with the way the conversation had gone. â€Å"Unless you do intend to give her immortality?† Edward pursed his lips, hesitating for a moment before he answered. â€Å"And if I do?† Aro smiled, happy again. â€Å"Why, then you would be free to go home and give my regards to my friend Carlisle.† His expression turned more hesitant. â€Å"But I'm afraid you would have to mean it.† Aro raised his hand in front of him. Caius, who had begun to scowl furiously, relaxed. Edward's lips tightened into a fierce line. He stared into my eyes, and I stared back. â€Å"Mean it,† I whispered. â€Å"Please.† Was it really such a loathsome idea? Would he rather die than change me? I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach. Edward stared down at me with a tortured expression. And then Alice stepped away from us, forward toward Aro. We turned to watch her. Her hand was raised like his. She didn't say anything, and Aro waved off his anxious guard as they moved to block her approach. Aro met her halfway, and took her hand with an eager, acquisitive glint in his eyes. He bent his head over their touching hands, his eyes closing as he concentrated. Alice was motionless, her face blank. I heard Edward's teeth snap together. No one moved. Aro seemed frozen over Alice's hand. The seconds passed and I grew more and more stressed, wondering how much time would pass before it was too much time. Before it meant something was wrongmore wrong than it already was. Another agonizing moment passed, and then Aro's voice broke the silence. â€Å"Ha, ha, ha,† he laughed, his head still bent forward. He looked up slowly, his eyes bright with excitement. â€Å"That was fascinating!† Alice smiled dryly. â€Å"I'm glad you enjoyed it.† â€Å"To see the things you've seenespecially the ones that haven't happened yet!† He shook his head in wonder. â€Å"But that will,† she reminded him, voice calm. â€Å"Yes, yes, it's quite determined. Certainly there's no problem.† Caius looked bitterly disappointeda feeling he seemed to share with Felix and Jane. â€Å"Aro,† Caius complained. â€Å"Dear Caius,† Aro smiled. â€Å"Do not fret. Think of the possibilities! They do not join us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household Besides, I'm so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!† Aro seemed convinced. Did he not realize how subjective Alice's visions were.' That she could make up her mind to transform me today, and then change it tomorrow? A million tiny decisions, her decisions and so many others', tooEdward'scould alter her path, and with that, the future. And would it really matter that Alice was willing, would it make any difference if I did become a vampire, when the idea was so repulsive to Edward? If death was, to him, a better alternative than having me around forever, an immortal annoyance? Terrified as I was, I felt myself sinking down into depression, drowning in it â€Å"Then we are free to go now?† Edward asked in an even voice. â€Å"Yes, yes,† Aro said pleasantly. â€Å"But please visit again. It's been absolutely enthralling!† â€Å"And we will visit you as well,† Caius promised, his eyes suddenly half-closed like the heavy-lidded gaze of a lizard. â€Å"To be sure that you follow through on your side. Were I you, I would not delay too long. We do not offer second chances.† Edward's jaw clenched tight, but he nodded once. Caius smirked and drifted back to where Marcus still sat, unmoving and uninterested. Felix groaned. â€Å"Ah, Felix.† Aro smiled, amused. â€Å"Heidi will be here at any moment. Patience.† â€Å"Hmm.† Edward's voice had a new edge to it. â€Å"In that case, perhaps we'd better leave sooner rather than later.† â€Å"Yes,† Aro agreed. â€Å"That's a good idea. Accidents do happen. Please wait below until after dark, though, if you don't mind.† â€Å"Of course,† Edward agreed, while I cringed at the thought of waiting out the day before we could escape. â€Å"And here,† Aro added, motioning to Felix with one finger. Felix came forward at once, and Aro unfastened the gray cloak the huge vampire wore, pulling from his shoulders. He tossed it to Edward. â€Å"Take this. You're a little conspicuous.† Edward put the long cloak on, leaving the hood down. Aro sighed. â€Å"It suits you.† Edward chuckled, but broke off suddenly, glancing over his shoulder. â€Å"Thank you, Aro. We'll wait below.† â€Å"Goodbye, young friends,† Aro said, his eyes bright as he stared in the same direction. â€Å"Let's go,† Edward said, urgent now. Demetri gestured that we should follow, and then set off the way we'd come in, the only exit by the look of things. Edward pulled me swiftly along beside him. Alice was close by my other side, her face hard. â€Å"Not fast enough,† she muttered. I stared up at her, frightened, but she only seemed chagrined. It was then that I first heard the babble of voicesloud, rough voicescoming from the antechamber. â€Å"Well this is unusual,† a man's coarse voice boomed. â€Å"So medieval,† an unpleasantly shrill, female voice gushed back. A large crowd was coming through the little door, filling the smaller stone chamber. Demetri motioned for us to make room. We pressed back against the cold wall to let them pass. The couple in front, Americans from the sound of them, glanced around themselves with appraising eyes. â€Å"Welcome, guests! Welcome to Volterra!† I could hear Aro sing from the big turret room. The rest of them, maybe forty or more, filed in after the couple. Some studied the setting like tourists. A few even snapped pictures. Others looked confused, as if the story that had led them to this room was not making sense anymore. I noticed one small, dark woman in particular. Around her neck was a rosary, and she gripped the cross tightly in one hand. She walked more slowly than the others, touching someone now and then and asking a question in an unfamiliar language. No one seemed to understand her, and her voice grew more panicked. Edward pulled my face against his chest, but it was too late. I already understood. As soon as the smallest break appeared, Edward pushed me quickly toward the door. I could feel the horrified expression on my face, and the tears beginning to pool in my eyes. The ornate golden hallway was quiet, empty except for one gorgeous, statuesque woman. She stared at us curiously, me in particular. â€Å"Welcome home, Heidi,† Demetri greeted her from behind us. Heidi smiled absently. She reminded me of Rosalie, though they looked nothing alikeit was just that her beauty, too, was exceptional, unforgettable. I couldn't seem to look away. She was dressed to emphasize that beauty. Her amazingly long legs, darkened with tights, were exposed by the shortest of miniskirts. Her top was long-sleeved and high-necked, but extremely close-fitting, and constructed of red vinyl. Her long mahogany hair was lustrous, and her eyes were the strangest shade of violeta color that might result from blue-tinted contacts over red irises. â€Å"Demetri,† she responded in a silky voice, her eyes flickering between my face and Edward's gray cloak. â€Å"Nice fishing,† Demetri complimented her, and I suddenly understood the attention-grabbing outfit she wore she was not only the fisherman, but also the bait. â€Å"Thanks.† She flashed a stunning smile. â€Å"Aren't you coming?† â€Å"In a minute. Save a few for me.† Heidi nodded and ducked through the door with one last curious look at me. Edward set a pace that had me running to keep up. But we still couldn't get through the ornate door at the end of the hallway before the screaming started.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Verbal Communication AND Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Verbal Communication AND Relationships - Essay Example According to Hutchinson (2010), communication is synonymous with human survival in the sense that in order to obtain survival needs, one must demonstrate that they are in the need. Citing communication in newborns as a vital element of direct and specific form of communication, the author reckons that communication can take several any level of consciousness and directness. Interpersonal communication as an important form and level of communication describes the type of influential communication that individuals engage in a meaningful relationship. Hutchinson (2010) highlights the importance of interpersonal relationship as a tool that sustains and retains special interactions between individuals who relate at a higher level of closeness than ordinary impersonal communication. Relationships that persist for a considerable duration of time apply interpersonal communication due to the special attachment with which the communication enables them to have. Such relationships as sustained and maintained by interpersonal communication are those that are unique in the lives of the involved individuals. Individuals in the interpersonal interactions are important and irreplaceable in the relationship, usually taking an unpredictable form due to the length in time associated. In this discourse, interpersonal communication is discussed with illustrations of specif ic application to highlight the importance with which relationships apply it. To develop a distinction between interpersonal and impersonal communication would be important in developing the special attention that interpersonal communication is given in this discourse. Apparently, interpersonal communication can be distinguished from impersonal communication by the generation of contextual relationship inference. On one hand, interpersonal communication involves less formal interactions between close individuals as defined above. In the daily progress of human interactions, a majority of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Issue of medicalization, the social construction of difference through Essay

Issue of medicalization, the social construction of difference through science and medicine and power - Essay Example Several differences are medicalized. Due to scientific conquest and development of new knowledge, several aspects of society are affected. With this, what are aspects are medicalized in the first place? The most affected in this case are the cultural beliefs and value systems that are embedded in an individual. Since there is cultural diversity, it is really problematic to impose a certain a cultural ideology towards a certain group of people that have a different cultural grassroots. There should be a thorough understanding of the culture from both sides of the spectrum. However, in the case of Lia, from the work of Anna Fadiman entitled The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, the doctors of Merced Community Medical Center have not taken into consideration the spiritual culture of the Hmong people about childbirth. In her work, there is a quote that deals about the frustration of the parent due to cultural indifference. â€Å"It took all the autonomy of being a parent away, even for folks who have had a lot of medical experience. It would be that much harder if you were from another culture and didn’t understand the purpose of these things.† (Fadiman, 1997) This quote manifests the clear problem about medicalization. Modern medical science and its practitioners have the tendency to bypass the concern of the people they are dealing with since they always exercise their expertise. Even if the concerns are valid for the Hmong people because of their culture, the medical professionals did not comply and understood the necessity of such cultural practices for the Hmong. Cultural Indifference has indeed occurred and has yielded several detrimental effects. On the second level, what seems to be the theoretical framework used by the authors to discuss the issue of medicalization? In the essay entitled Of Gender and Genitals: Use and Abuse of Modern Intersexual from the book Sexing

Defining Leadership and Providing a Brief Overview of Leadership Essay

Defining Leadership and Providing a Brief Overview of Leadership Theories - Essay Example Thus, a leader may also be described as a person with the authority and/or the position within an organization capable of influencing the people around them and making decisions that people around them are willing to follow. There are 5 different types of leadership styles2 namely Directive (Authoritative), Delegative (Free Reign), Participative (Democratic), Consultative and Negotiative. Directive (Authoritative) Leaders are characterized as individuals who instruct their employees on the ways to perform a task without allowing them much leeway to give their own thoughts or display independence. The leader exercises firm authority over his employees and makes sure that they follow his rules and guidelines in performing a task. Delegative (Free Reign) Leaders, segregates and hands out the tasks to their employees and allows them to make decisions and decide on how a task should be performed. However, as the leader will still be held accountable for the decisions made and the fact tha t this style is not entirely democratic, situations may arise whereby employees may be assigned work rather than being allowed to participate actively on how a task should be done or completed. ... They often motivate their employees with incentives or words of encouragement to push them in the same direction as the rest of the team. 2.0 Case Study Analysis 2.0.1 Leadership at Swatch In my opinion, the leadership paradigm displayed at Swatch is that of the Consultative style. Although the leadership lies on both Hayek Senior and Nicolas Hayek Junior to drive the organization forward, they allow their employees to contribute and participate in brainstorming for new ideas and allows for new project teams to come up with ideas. Leadership seems widely distributed across the Swatch Group with only a small number of positions existing to ‘head’ different sections. The Group does not believe in bureaucracy and has very little formal hierarchy. The employees are given the discretion to develop ideas and lead project teams in their own areas. There is room for growth and independence for the employees working with Swatch. Based on the case study, it would seem that the org anization is quite dependent on the energy and influence of the Hayeks as both senior and junior Hayeks are very involved in the business. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide ‘hands on’ assistance to various levels of needs in the Group. Although leadership seems widely distributed across the divisions at Swatch, it is mentioned that if the Hayeks dislike a product or idea, the company’s morale is said to decline but morale is notably high if the Hayeks are behind an idea. That clearly shows how important the Hayeks are in the organization. In terms of securing the future leadership of the organization, Hayek Senior has placed members of his family in significant positions within Group to ensure the longevity and growth

Monday, August 26, 2019

Prenuptial agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prenuptial agreement - Essay Example The American belief that marriage is a contract, and they encourage divorce while in Philippine we do not encourage divorce (Saks, 2005). I would like to be or get married to a man who we share the same beliefs and moral values. I am not interested in entering to this agreement of marrying Jeremy. I am afraid to get married to Jeremy because he has been used to divorce, and he can still divorce me after we spent years. Jeremy has been financials and socially traumatised, and he can use me in order to recover the damages he encountered with the first wife. The cause of divorce has not been explained to me, and Jeremy could be the cause because even know he does not believe in staying with a woman forever. I am real afraid of marrying Jeremy and leave my people forever because he can prevent me from visiting my people at Philippines (Gottman, 2011). In this case I have the right to know the experience Jeremy had with his wife. Marriage is also a person choice, and no body should be forced in a marriage, so I have the right to marry or not to marry Jeremy (Saks, 2005). My concern in this case is about the children. Jeremy has a child, and I wonder whether he will treat my children and the other child the same. I am also concerned whether marriage with Jeremy will follow ethics, moral and values and no paper that will separate monetary and emotion (Gottman, 2011). The advantages of my decision in the case is that If I do not marry Jeremy, I will still find another man who has not been married and we share the same values. The disadvantage in this decision is that we have been dating with Jeremy for 3 years and falling to marry him will be a waste of time (Gottman,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Shark Finning Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shark Finning Industry - Research Paper Example The paper states that the finning industry is based on the following practice: ‘the fin of each shark is chopped off and the rest is discharged’ (Verclar et al. 1078). Then, the fin is likely to be used for soup, after being diverted to the market, in its natural form or using an appropriate package. The consumption of fin of sharks is quite common in many countries worldwide. However, this ‘custom’ threatens the population of sharks internationally. In accordance with recent research, the finning industry worldwide is a continuously growing industry, with the value of the fin to reach the $116/ kg (Verclar et al. 1078). India is among the countries with the highest performance in this industry; in accordance with Verclar et al. the annual shark production of India reaches the 45,500 tonnes (Verclar et al. 1078), a significant figure if taking into consideration the price of the particular product in the market, as presented above. It is clear that the profi ts of the particular industry can be significant, a fact which may be considered as a barrier to the control of the phenomenon. As noted in the study of Verclar et al., about 20 species of sharks will be extinguished by 2017 if the shark finning industry continues its current rate of expansion (Verclar et al. 1078). However, the current signs regarding the development of this industry are rather discouraging; instead of being reduced, the finning industry is further expanded with other countries to be involved in such activities. An indicative example is China, which has started to activate in many areas of the specific industry – acting as ‘producer, importer, consumer, and processing center’ (Verclar et al. 1079); other countries also have been attracted by the prospects that the particular industry offers. Indonesia, Pakistan, and Singapore (Verclar et al. 1079) are some of the countries, which have been involved in various areas of the shark finning industry. Â  The shark finning industry offers many prospects as a business activity, as it combines the trade of fin, as a product of significant value, with the trade of other parts of the shark – meaning the body and the bones (Verclar et al. 1080). At this point, it should be noted that ‘not all fins of a shark are of the same value’ (Verclar et al. 1080). In any case, since all parts of the body of a shark can be disposed to the market, the fishing of sharks is quite popular, guaranteeing high profits. Efforts have been made for setting limits to the particular activity since a threat of the extinction of many species of shark has been made clear. Under this threat, the Government of India prohibited the fishing of a particular species of shark, the Elasmobranchii, in 2001 (Verclar et al. 1080); the Gazette Notification through which this prohibition was imposed has been proved particularly valuable for the protection of the above species. Another practice used for t he control of shark finning industry worldwide is the DNA checks; through these checks, the level of limitation of each shark species can be identified – by checking various parts of the bodies of sharks disposed to market (Verclar et al. 1080). The above method has the following disadvantage: not all parts of the body of a shark can prove valid information on the species of the shark; however, new DNA checks have been improved allowing the identification of sharks’ DNA even from dried fins (Verclar et al. 1080). Particular attention should be paid to the effects of shark finning industry for the marine ecosystems. In accordance with Taylor (2010), sharks are predators, which helps to keep balance in prey worldwide (Taylor, online article).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Family psychology and structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family psychology and structure - Essay Example According to me a family comprises of the people who are close to someone by blood, marriage or friendship. I come from a nuclear family of nine members: four brothers, two sisters, my mother and my father. On top of that I have so many friends whom I consider as my family because they offer a lot of support to me just likes how family members do .In support to this the oxford dictionary explains that a family can be a group of people related by blood or marriage.It further explains that people related by blood are those that can be termed biologically as having the same genetic makeup while those related by marriage are those who come together due to a mutual agreement and whose relationships are guided by vows taken at the time of marriage and social way of life.It goes further to explain that a family comprise of people who share a great sense of loyalty and intimacy. This includes people related by blood, marriage, adoption and friends. Friends who give one a sense of belonging, care, love and protection can be termed as family. On religious values, a family is supposed to have a common believe that is, if it’s Christianity, Muslim or Hinduism .My family members are Christians, we conduct religious activities together and this has strengthened our bond. A family without similar religious values is said not to be in full unity. The same political values should be obtained after several consultation and discussions and a conclusion reached as to what is best for the family.... e the best code of conduct is togetherness; families should maintain good ties, communication and recognizing your role in the family .In my family everyone understands his/her role for example supporting each other in times of need. Understanding one’s role in the family reduces conflict s and hence promotes togetherness. Also a family can be viewed as a group of people with common ancestry. This shows that people of the same origin can be termed as family. Members of the same family share so many things in common. This is so because every family is guided by rules, regulations and behavioral traits that are instilled to children by the parents. It follows then that people of the same family have the same view on religious, political and social way of life. Structure of family Family fall into two types which are nuclear or extended family(Paul Cheney, 2009). A nuclear family consists of father, mother and children. This is the simplest form of family. Father and mother are r elated by marriage while they are related to their children by blood. Parents can also be related to their children through adoption whereby they parent a child who is not biologically theirs. An extended family is a family that includes people who share the same lineage and have common ancestors. Extended family gives moral and financial support to each other. It is the responsibility of every member in the extended family to uphold the name of the family in terms of moral traits and financial status. In the nuclear family, it is the role of the parents to nurture the children. This means that parents should educate their children on important life skills in their preparation to adult life. Children are expected to heed to their parents’ advice and are expected to pass on whatever they are

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Environmental Education - Essay Example Is it of any good to our children and adults or rather how is it affecting them both positively and negatively? Why is environmental education lacking? What type of curriculum is needed and why? What are the precautions and strategies that need to be implemented or put in place to ensure that our environment is taken care of? Of what good will it bring to our generation to come? What is the philosophy behind this educational approach? And finally, do ethics play a role in education? These and many more will be featured in our research project. The first question that rings in our mind is the meaning of the word environment. Environment is a very broad terminology that is taken to mean generally the flora and fauna (Trees and animals). Environment entails trees, animals, air, waters, the soil (earth) and even people. It is in the broader sense of the word everything that there is in the Universe that supports life is what we call our environment. Forests for instance contribute to a greater amount of our environment without forgetting the animals. In short therefore, environment is our surroundings. Environmental Education is generally making people aware of the environment. It is the integration of what is learned in class in relation to our environment. Or rather put it this way that environmental education is the incorporation of both the materials acquired in classroom and then apply them to the environment. It is about informing the Citizens about the beauty, the love, the goodness, the friendship, and the values of always ensuring the safety of where we live. It is all about keeping the good relationship between ourselves and the place in which we live; and these can be achieved through ensuring that our environment is always clean. In short, this is a call for the virtue of responsibility. However, let us first look at the current environmental educational system in the USA. The culture here considers every aspect of our

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Police Administration Essay Example for Free

Police Administration Essay Since the early part of the twentieth century, academicians and criminal justice practitioners have debated whether police officers should be required to have a college education as a minimum qualification to be hired. Today, there is general agreement that a college education will not necessarily make a person a good police officer, but a good police officer can be made better by having one. Many police executives believe formal college education can improve critical thinking skills of officers and that is becoming a more important factor as the complexity of police work continues to increase. 1 According to a recent article in Police Chief Magazine â€Å"We expect (police officers) to understand and apply the law evenly. We expect them to grasp the nature of social problems and the psychology of people with different attitudes toward the law. We expect officers to professionally and effectively handle disputes involving people from varying cultural, racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.† 2 The importance of possessing a college degree by police officers seems to have substantial support in the literature. If the need or desire is established for the possession of a college degree by police officers, then how do they get one? Traditionally, a college program involved students attending classes at a â€Å"brick and mortar† campus. This was difficult for many officers that already had substantial work and family commitments. With the advent of online (internet delivered) college programs, it is possible for officers to enter or return to college and pursue a degree where previously it may not have been practical for them to do so. With that being said, does an online program sufficiently address the desirable attributes for police officers that the possession of a college degree represents? Historical Perspective for College Educated Police In 1916, August Vollmer, the former Chief of Police of Berkeley, California, was the first to emphasize the need for police officers to have college  degrees. At about the same time, the University of California at Berkeley began to offer law enforcement related courses.3 In 1931, The National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (the Wickersham Commission) gave â€Å"national recognition for higher educational standards and more professional police officers.†4 Although the issue of college education for police officers was not specifically addressed, it laid the foundation for subsequent calls to increase educational levels for police. Largely due to Vollmer’s influence, the University of California at Berkeley created a School of Police Administration in 1933, followed shortly thereafter by a similar school at Michigan State University.5 In 1936, Vollmer wrote in his book, The Police in Modern Society, that police officers should be required to have a colleg e education.6 In 1967, the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice made specific recommendations regarding increasing the level of police education. This report was followed by the passage of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, which established the Law Enforcement Education Program (LEEP). LEEP, in part, provided grants and loans to officers to enroll in college and earn their degrees. This infusion of money created a large incentive for institutions to develop academic programs geared toward law enforcement. As police officers began to return to or enter college, some institutions created accelerated or nontraditional programs in criminal justice. Officers could receive credit for experience in related courses and some courses were configured so officers did not have to meet as often as traditional courses. These types of programs were usually administered through the college’s extension program. Today, many public and private institutions offer nontraditional programs that are delivered in the online or e-learning format. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, in the 2000-2001 academic year, forty-eight percent of all four-year Title IV8 degree granting public institutions and thirty-three percent of four-year Title IV degree granting private institutions had degree programs for undergraduates that were to be completed totally through distance learning.9 Today there are an abundance of distance learning programs being marketed to police officers, especially online programs. The flexibility of the course schedule makes it attractive to busy students. Police officers can do their course work when it is convenient for them and some courses are designed to  be completed at the student’s own pace. Many departments have made strides in requiring some college education as a prerequisite for hiring but most have not. The high school diploma still exists as the most common minimum educational requirement. Even where departments have not required a college degree for hiring, many require or make it desirable to possess a degree for promotion. As early as 1989, the benefits to having educated officers were noted to include:10 †¢ Greater knowledge of procedures, functions, and principles †¢ Better appreciation of their professional role and it’s importance in the criminal justice system as well as in society †¢ More desirable psychological make-up, which includes such qualities as alertness, empathy, flexibility, initiative, and intelligence †¢ Greater range of interpersonal skills centered in their ability to communicate, to be responsive to others, and to exercise benevolent leadership †¢ Greater ability to analyze situations, to exercise discretion independently, and to make judicious decisions †¢ Strong moral character, which reflects a sense of conscience and the qualities of honesty, reliability, and tolerance †¢ More desirable system of personal values consistent with the police function in a democratic society Even back in 1978, though, researchers expressed reservations about the quality of criminal justice programs. The rapid increase in program offerings seemed to make some institutions gear their courses more vocationally than academically. Some recommendations were made to overcome what was perceived as major quality problems in college programs developed for police officers. In addition to perceived quality problems in criminal justice programs, there was a concern that police officers would take college courses just to get the degree. In 1979, Goldstein stated, â€Å"The factor that makes the whole movement toward college education for police personnel most vulnerable to attack is the emphasis which has been put on the acquisition of college credentials without sufficient concern for what is to be learned. Given the multitude of colleges and the number of people who attend them, the degree itself reflects little about the values or relevance of the educational experience.†11 Clearly, the need to ensure that a college program is delivering the appropriate academic curriculum is  critical. In the past, an officer attended a local school and it was more than likely regionally accredited. Today, online colleges can market themselves across the United States or even internationally, claiming accreditation from some official sounding group. Accreditation, curriculum, and instructor competence are all of critical importance in a college program. More than a decade ago, researchers articulated considerations that would be relevant as one considers the potential quality of an educational program. The recommendations included:12 †¢ No college credit should be given for police academy and similar training †¢ Technical and professional police subjects should be limited to a maximum of twenty-five percent of any curriculum †¢ A four-year baccalaureate degree should be the minimum educational qualification for entry into police service †¢ No one should be considered qualified to be a faculty member on the basis of experience alone †¢ Police education faculty should be held to the same standards as other college professors (i.e. Ph.D., master’s degree minimum; involvement in research and publication) These issues among others were discussed by a group of criminal justice related experts who were brought together in a nominal group setting to discuss online education and its potential effect on the future of law enforcement. The Nominal Group Panel As part of a California Peace Officer Standards and Training Command College project, a panel of interested professionals was formed to discuss future trends and events that may have an effect on law enforcement online educational programs in the next five years. It consisted of a Chief of Police of a medium sized police department, a professor who teaches online courses for a major public university and at a local community college, a deputy district attorney, a police officer who is a former high school teacher, a police officer who is a member of the executive board for a police officers association, the criminal justice program coordinator for the local community college, the editor of the local weekly newspaper, and a  counselor for a youth diversion program. There was consensus among the panel members that it is important for police officers to have a college education, and to possess the appropriate degree. The panel felt that a college education earned the traditional way (attending classes at a brick and mortar institution) was the best preparation for a person to be a police officer. The discussion included many of the issues published by researchers and criminal justice practitioners since the 1930’s. The panel felt it was critical for police officers to be socialized with diversified groups of people and exposed to differing viewpoints. The requisite skills of tact and diplomacy learned in a physically social environment, effective public speaking, and command presence are attributes that are learned and reinforced in a traditional educational setting. The panel recognized it may be difficult for a police officer to pursue a traditional degree due to family and work obligations. So what is this officer to do? Many of the officers returning to college or entering college for the first time have turned to online college programs. The panel concluded the flexibility of online educational programs was a tremendous opportunity for current police officers due to the demands of their course schedule. They also understood there was a proliferation of programs being marketed to police officers through police websites or law enforcement related magazines. Legitimate accreditation was a key concern about such programs. The panel members expressed that testing-retained knowledge could be problematic since testing is done in the same delivery format as coursework, and all tests were essentially open book. With regard to the value of such programs, panel members believed that a college degree earned through online programs was different than a college degree earned traditionally. The panel believed that criminal justice practitioners were overused in criminal justice programs especially in online programs. Their concern was the overall value of the college degree since true academic professors were not doing the teaching. They felt that for some disciplines, such as engineering, mathematics or history, an online program was sufficient. But when it came to being a police officer, class attendance and contact with other students face-to-face was preferred. The panel agreed, however, that much of what is done in a traditional setting could be done  online, such as submittal of written reports or studies and coursework assignments. The panel also felt that too much academic credit was given for experience in police work through online programs. The panel felt that rather than rely on a purely online program for an officer to obtain a four-year undergraduate degree, a cross or hybrid approach, with a traditional program could bring the desired benefits of both delivery methods. The Educational Hybrid Amy Fanter, a researcher in the field of hybrid education, noted that â€Å"Hybrid instruction, or hybrid courses refer to classes where there is a carefully planned blend of both traditional classroom instruction and online learning activities.†13 According to criminal justice researchers and practitioners (and supported by the expert panel) the most effective collegiate preparation for police officers are settings inclusive of a social environment. They should be exposed to other racial, ethnic, and diverse groups in an arena where ideas are broached, concepts discussed, and conflict is resolved through dialogue, research, and consensus. Many components of any particular course can be done using the online system (such as writing book reports, completing written requirements and posting of thoughts on issues). If a class was required to meet for a certain amount of time every week or every two weeks, or even once a month to be tested on retained knowledge, to be challenged by other students on stances taken on issues, to participate by speaking about issues, and so on, then the socializing of the officer can be effectively satisfied. No matter how effective, a distance learning program not offering this option will impact skills that might only be gained in this type of setting. Using a hybrid approach for coursework would allow for the flexibility of online educational programs and meet the some of the critical benefits of traditional programs. Those that may advocate for pure e-learning should remain mindful of the â€Å"soft skills† necessary for the modern law enforcement officer, and the best opportunities to acquire them. Conclusion The desire for a police officer to have a college education appears settled.  National commissions, criminal justice professional associations, academicians, attorneys, and courts have all expressed this view. The question remains; how does the individual peace officer best do it? Attending the traditional college program at a brick and mortar campus seems to be the preferred way. This method may not be practical for some officers, so the alternative of the hybrid approach should be considered. It blends many of the positives from both traditional and online programs. Certainly, there may be situations where even a hybrid approach is not practical. It seems Vollmer and many others would support an online program to gain at least the concepts and critical thinking skills a collegiate education offers. Progressive police agencies may take the lead to shape their future by entering into a partnership with a local public or private institution to develop a hybrid program to be implemented for their staff. In any case, police management should encourage officers and employees to return to college to earn their four-year degree. The result will be better staff and officers, and a better chance to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. ENDNOTES 1 Bueermann, Jim, â€Å"Redlands, California,† The Police Chief, August 2006, accessed February 1, 2007, available at 2 Bowman, Theron, â€Å"The Chief’s Perspective: Demolishing the Recruitment Myth,† The Police Chief, August 2006, accessed February 1, 2007, available at 3 Travis, Jeremy, â€Å"Education in Law Enforcement: Beyond the College Degree.† An address presented to the Center for Research in Law and Justice, Chicago, February 10, 1995, accessed December 19, 2006, available at 4 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 1 5 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 4 6 Coons, Jeffrey, â€Å"Studies, Case Law, Quotes, Standards and Trends in Support of College Education for Police Officers.† An Information Paper for the Police Association for College Education, March 18, 2004, Accessed August 18, 2007, available at 7 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 1 8 An institution that may participate in most Title IV federal student financial assistance programs, National Center for Education Statistics, accessed September 9, 2007, available at 9 â€Å"Distance Education at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions: 2000-2001.† National Center for Education Statistics, accessed Sept 9, 2007, available at 10 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 10-11 11 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 24 12 Carter, David, Sapp, Allen, and Stephens, Darrel, The State of Police Education: Policy Direction for the 21st Century, (Washington, D.C., 1989) 27 13 Fanter, Amy, â€Å"Hybrid Education: The Future of Instructional Models.,† World Wide Learn, accessed September 9, 2007, available at

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Crime Rates Essay Example for Free

Crime Rates Essay What we usually have in mind when we talk about the crime rates is a well known fact that crime rates are increasing. So,people who are related to this issue should try to find a solution so as to solve the problem .Up to now many countries have tried to decrease crime rates. However,many of them have failed .Everybody has a significant roles so as to decrease the crime rates such as parents and governments. First of all, it is worth bearing in mind that parents should train their children so children will not change the crime rates . Thus,crime rates will not increase . Parents should raise awareness their children because according to research conducted children who are conscious about crime do not commit a crime besides parents should not leave unattended their children because generally rambling children have amount of influence on the crime rates.Also parents should be interested in their children .Experts said that slummy person involve in a crime easily .Therefore parents take care of their children. Read more:Â  Increasing Crime Rate in Todays Society in India It is last but not least governments should make provision as fight with crimes because researchers believe that only if governments attach importance to crime rates , can they decrease the crime rates .Governments should provide equipments so as to overcome to crimes.Thanks to more equipments , governments can reduce the crime rates .Governments should be in contact with other governments because increasing of the crime rates are not seem just one government.So, they can help each other about this situation. To sum up Ä ±t should be noted that parents have a considerable amount of effect as decrease the crime rates .Nowadays every segment of society is looking for a way to solve as decrease the crime rates.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Health and Safety to Minimise Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk

Health and Safety to Minimise Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction This chapter is concerned with recommendations which can be put forward in order to eliminate or minimize risk of musculoskeletal disorders arising from ergonomic and other hazards. The hierarchy of controls will be considered for putting forward the recommendations. Hierarchy of hazard control The hierarchy of hazard control is a system which provides various hazard control methods, ranging from the most effective to the least effective methods. The hierarchy of hazard control is as follows: Elimination Elimination is the best way to control a hazard as the danger associated with it is completely removed from the workplace but in most cases it is not possible. Substitution The second most effective way of controlling hazards is by substitution which diminishes the hazards associated with a task, activity or process to some extent and new hazards can be introduced but it will have a less harmful effect on the workers. Engineering controls Engineering controls involves the use of physical barriers to prevent interaction between the workers and the hazards by redesigning of the process, job or activity. Administrative controls Administrative controls are concerned with changes in the policies and procedures of the organization. These include: Job rotation Redesigning of task, activity or process Implementation of safe operating procedures Training, instruction and information. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The least effective way of controlling hazards is by the use of PPE. Here the workers are provided with PPE’s such as earmuffs, visors, respiratory mask to prevent exposure to the hazard. It is considered the least effective as: The hazard is still present If the worker has worn it improperly, he/she is exposed to the hazard They can create hazards sometimes as they interfere with movement. Recommendations for the fourdepartments Recommendations to the problems identified in the four departments in the factory that is cutting, assembly and finishing will be provided. The recommendations for these four departments will not be the same but there are some recommendations which are applicable to all of them, which are as follows: Job rotation Job rotation falls in the administrative methods for controlling hazards. Job rotation involves rotating the employees from different jobs, especially those who uses the same group of muscle repeatedly and in which the workers adopt poor postures. Micro breaks Micro breaks, as their name suggests are small breaks which can range from 30 seconds to two minutes which the worker can take after working continuously for 30 minutes while either standing or sitting. These breaks are important as it enables the musculoskeletal system of the worker to rest, thereby reducing the risk of developing MSDs, especially if the tasks involves repetitive movements, awkward postures and goes on for long period of time. Training in good handling and lifting techniques Good handling and lifting techniques are essential as it reduces the risk of developing MSDS. This is achieved when the worker adopts the techniques. Training is essential and it should include: What are the risk factors and how to recognize them, How to safely lift and handle the loads. Good lifting techniques Before lifting The lift should be plan. It should be seen if the path for the lifting operation is clear and if not, the worker should remove the obstructions. Adopting a stable posture It is essential to maintain balance and the feet of the worker should be apart with one of his/her leg a bit forward. Getting a good hold The load should be as close as possible to the body whenever it is feasible. Starting in a good posture The worker should bend slightly at the start of the lift. Avoid flexing the back more when lifting The worker should not straighten his/her legs before raising the load. Keeping the load close to the waist The load should be kept as long as possible close to the body. Avoiding twisting of the back and leaning sideways The shoulders should face the same direction of the hips and they should be at the same level. Keeping the head up After the load has been secured, the worker should look ahead and not down. Smooth movement In order to keep control and minimize risk of injury, jerking and snatching of the load should be avoided. Avoid lifting loads that are too heavy Workers should always safely lift the loads within their capacity and help from a coworker can be used to safely lift a heavy load. Adjusting the load after it has been put down It is important to put the load down first then move it in the correct position. Medical surveillance Medical surveillance should be carried out as it allows for the early detections of conditions which can have adverse effects on the health of the workers. Ventilation Cutting department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the cutting department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Loading the spreading machine Here training in good lifting and manual handling techniques are necessary as it will teach the workers how to properly lift the fabrics onto the floor level to place it onto the spreading machine to avoid risk of injuries. The other solutions could be: Reduce the weight of the fabric being lifted and, Have a minimum of two people to lift the fabrics. Spreading the fabric Spreading of the fabric should be done by at least two workers, who are facing each other at the opposite end of the tables. This minimizes adoption of awkward postures and long reaches. Also workers should be encouraged to take micro breaks. Cutting the fabric The spreading table should be set at a good working height so as to improve back and shoulder posture which will result in the worker adopting a better posture. Replace the handle of the electric cutter or the cutter itself if possible, with an adjustable handle so as to improve wrist posture. The fabric should not be cut from only 1 side of the table; it should be cut from both sides of the table so as to avoid long reaches. Micro breaks should be taken. Sorting the cut pieces Avoid overfilling of the baskets. Use of smaller baskets to facilitate lifting and handling. Have two persons to carry the baskets if they are heavy Training in good lifting techniques. Assembly department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the assembly department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Supply and removal of clothes Smaller boxes should be placed at an adequate height to allow easy grips. The tables on which the materials are placed should be of the same height of the sewing table. The tables should be large enough to contain the clothes and they should be stable. Sewing table Height The sewing table should be adjustable so that the workers can adjust the height at their elbow level, which is the most adequate. Size and shape The larger tables can be tailored to make them smaller in order to allow delivery and supply of materials easier. Also for small tables, an addition can be placed on it so as to augment its size. Raised edges can also be placed on the table to prevent materials from falling. Angle Tilting the table by 100 t0 250 towards the operator can improve visibility and prevents the worker to adopt poor neck posture. Chair As it was found out during the study, the chairs are not good enough. Chairs with the following features should be bought: Adjustability The seat height should be adjustable Seat height – this should be easily adjustable and it should be able to be adjusted to the height of the operator who will be using it. Seat width and depth – it should be wide and deep enough so that the users are comfortable and the seat should suit the shortest and tallest users Seat material – There should be enough padding of the material on the seat and back of the chair so that it is comfortable for the user to sit for long period of times. Backrest –It should support the back and lower back and it should be adjustable in angle and height. Arm rest – it should be of adequate size such that it is large enough to support the lower arms but small enough so that they do not interfere with the position of the chair. Foot pedals The foot pedals should be modified so that they are at the same angle and position to allow good posture. Hand tools Hand tools such as scissors of different and adequate size should be provided. Work organization The sewing machine operators could be given the freedom to go and pick up the pieces of materials that they need to work on. Pressing department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the pressing department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Working height The working height should be adjustable as an appropriate height enables the worker to work with his/ her back in an upright position and their shoulders relaxed. Floor surface Anti-fatigue mats should be placed everywhere in the pressing department area. Foot pedals The foot pedals should be close or even with the floor. Finishing department Recommendations for the problems which have been identified in the finishing department concerning the equipment or task, activities or processes are as follows: Chair As it was found out during the study, the chairs are not good enough. Chairs with the following features should be bought: Adjustability The seat height should be adjustable Seat height – this should be easily adjustable and it should be able to be adjusted to the height of the operator who will be using it. Seat width and depth – it should be wide and deep enough so that the users are comfortable and the seat should suit the shortest and tallest users Seat material – There should be enough padding of the material on the seat and back of the chair so that it is comfortable for the user to sit for long period of times. Backrest –It should support the back and lower back and it should be adjustable in angle and height. Arm rest – it should be of adequate size such that it is large enough to support the lower arms but small enough so that they do not interfere with the position of the chair. Accessories Foot rests that are adjustable should be provided to the workers Input and output Training for workers in good lifting techniques to avoid risk of injury.