Monday, September 30, 2019

Critical Reading and Writing in the Humanities Essay

1. Reflective Essay (Diagnostic) Describe briefly your experiences with writing at the pre-university level. Discuss how any factor or an individual has influenced your approach and/or attitude to writing. Explain your expectations of this course. (300 words) 2. Essay Outline and Annotated Bibliography-20% Annotated Bibliography Compiling a list of annotated references will help you to become familiar with a variety of perspectives on your chosen topic so that you can begin to formulate or strengthen your view about it. Based on information gathered from the library session as well as from class readings and discussions on critical thinking, you will summarise each source’s content and critically evaluate its relevance to your documented essay in no more than 150 words per source. NB. Only four sources are required for this activity. Each of the entries in this single-spaced document will consist of the following three sections: The publication details of the source in M.L.A or A.P.A. format. Paragraph 1 -a succinct summary of the main ideas and supporting points of the source, an explanation of the author’s purpose and a description of the intended audience Paragraph 2 – short discussion of the author’s credibility of the relevance of the source to your topic. 3. The Response Paper -20% The response paper requires students to summarise, explore and critically analyse a written text. This allows for the communication of the students’ perspective on the author’s ideas. 4. The Documented Essay-30% The research and writing processes in which you will engage as you prepare this assignment are outlined on the seminar schedule. Before writing your first draft, you will select a theme/topic that is relevant to your discipline; generate ideas on it; narrow it to a researchable theme/topic that can be reasonably explored in a 1000-word essay for a general academic audience; prepare a short proposal; research the topic and make relevant notes; write an annotated bibliography which evaluates your source materials and prepare your essay outline (with sources included). You are required to show evidence of at least four (4) scholarly/reputable/credible sources which must include at least one journal article and a book. Only one newspaper article (not news item) is allowed. 5. Collaborative Project/Group Presentation- 10% Students will work in groups to present research or analysis of a theme from their discipline. Works of art, songs, poetry, films and written text may be used. 6. Final Reflective Essay -20% Instructions will be given in seminar. FOUN 1012 SEMINAR SCHEDULE for SEMESTER I (2013-2014) LECTURES are given weekly on Wednesdays 12:00-1:00 and 5:00-6:00pm in N1. SEMINAR NUMBER LECTURE TOPICS CURRENT WEEK’S SEMINAR ACTIVITIES PREPARATION and ASSIGNMENTS for NEXT SEMINAR Sept..2 – 6 Critical Reading and Writing in the Humanities and You 1. Enrolment confirmation. 2. Discuss course aims and objectives, teaching structure, assignment and grading schedule, and special requirements for academic reading and writing. 3. Students and tutors share on literacy 4. Discussion of reflective essay Choose and attend a Library OPAC session. Visit the Foun1012 website at and Watch Shaped by Writing and E-literate (before Week 3). Browse the resources and download the course outline Read chapter 11 of Wadsworth and write a definition of the humanities. Sept 9-13 Researching for Academic Writing The Writing Process Submit the reflective essay. 1.Discussion of features of writing in the humanities 2. Discussion of The Right to Write 3. Brainstorming of documented essay topics and explanation of the proposal ESSAY TOPICS/THEMES: a. Enslavement b. Language and Culture c. Media and Professionalism d. Technology and the Arts Read chapter one of Wadsworth. Revise the reflective essay after feedback and upload to Turnitin. Record the similarity index. Peruse samples of the proposal on OurVLE. Write and submit proposal. Guide questions for your proposal: 1. What are my broad and narrowed topics? 2. How is my narrowed topic related to a sub-discipline in the humanities? 3. What do I already know about this topic? 4. What am I interested in finding out OR sharing with a general academic audience about this narrowed topic? 5. How will I go about gathering additional data on this topic? Sept. 16 – 20 [Deadline for all students to register with TURNITIN.] Communicating in the Academy- Rhetorical Contexts Submit the proposal at the beginning of seminar and collect at the end. [Go to the Main Library for your seminar.] 1. Practise locating information from a variety of sources. 2. Discuss shaping your writing and evaluating sources 3. Visit this website and attempt the multiple choice activity on evaluating sources: 4. Browse this website for tips on critical thinking: Visit the â€Å"Foun1012 website at read and download Critical Reading 1. Manage YOUR Sources: Locate TWO source materials for your Documented Essay- a journal article and book chapter. In addition to taking notes on NOTE CARDS, summarise each source material in a few sentences and record the publication details. Sept. 23 – 27 [Deadline for students with special English language needs to start self-help exercises in the â€Å"Grammar & Mechanics† folder on OurVLE or in the recommended texts.] Critical Thinking and Reading 1. Introduction to Rhetorical analysis- Critical Reading 1 2. Summary writing Elect a class representative Annotate one of your sources and consult your tutor for feedback. Ensure that you have uploaded your reflective Essay to Turnitin. Peruse the model (sentence) outlines on Ourvle, and chapter 2 of Bazerman: The Informed Writer. Sept. 30-Oct.4 Language and Communication 1 1. Summary Writing contd. 2. Writing Workshop: a. Thesis statements and the Introduction b. Writing the formal Outline Read chapter 6 of Wadsworth and prepare your formal outline and your annotated bibliography for submission at the beginning of next week’s seminar. Upload it as a single file to Turnitin. Reminder: All hard copies of the assignment are to be submitted within the first 20 minutes of the seminar Read and download Critical Reading 2 on OurVLE as directed. Oct. 7 – 11 Language and Communication 2 Submit your Outline and Annotated Bibliography along with your accountability statement and rubric. 1.Critical Analysis 2. Response Writing Prepare for the Mid semester exam. Oct. 14 – 18 Students should NOT change Documented Essay topics after this week. Ethics and Academic Writing Critical Analysis contd. a. Organising Principles b. Paragraph Development Mid Semester Exam- One sitting Manage YOUR Sources: Locate TWO more source materials for your Documented Essay In addition to taking notes on NOTE CARDS, summarise each source material in a few sentences and record the publication details. √ Give your tutor, in writing, your group presentation topic (see Week 11), thesis, names of group members and group leader’s name. Oct. 21 – 25 **October 21 is a public holiday. Please attend another seminar during this week if your class is on a Monday.] Working With Sources 1 Class discussion and presentations on The functions of language Caribbean language varieties Language and social status Type and upload your essay draft and references to Turnitin. Record the similarity index, read the report and complete your self -review. Revise the draft based on your self- review and Turnitin report. Bring the revised draft to the next seminar. Visit the OurVLE course website and download and read â€Å"Peer Critique Checklist† & â€Å"Peer Critique Model†. Bring the Peer Critique Checklist to the next seminar. Do not lose your documented essay draft and the accompanying materials! You will need them for final submission of the essay. Oct. 28 – Nov. 1 Working with Sources 2 Using the â€Å"Peer Critique Checklist† as your guide, participate in the IN-CLASS peer critiquing session by allowing TWO of your peers to read and discuss your essay. Afterwards, ONE of your peers will WRITE a critique of your essay draft. Attach the critique and your self- review to your essay draft. Continue revising your documented essay draft based on feedback from your peers and tutor. Bring a copy of your single-spaced revised essay to the next seminar. Nov. 4-8 Revising and Editing 1. Framing/ integration of sources 2. Corresponding reference entry/ies. 3. Style of writing Prepare to submit your double-spaced documented essay for grading (along with your first draft, self-review, peer comments, and accountability statement at the start of your seminar in Week 11 (30%). Reminder: All hard copies of the assignment are to be submitted within the first 20 minutes of the seminar in Week 11. Download â€Å"Group Presentation Guidelines† from the course website and bring it to the next seminar. Nov. 11-15 [Tutors to reserve multimedia equipment for groups] Reflective Writing SUBMIT the hard copy of the final draft of your Documented Essay (30%) along with your draft, self-review, peer comments and accountability statement. Planning for Collaborative Project/ Group Presentations & Performances. Visit the OurVLE course website and read text on reflective writing to prepare for writing the final reflection. Topic for Collaborative Project : Issues in your Discipline Caribbean Realities Nov. 18 – 22 Oral Presentations Discussion on Reflective writing Drafting the Final Reflection Prepare to give the script for your group’s presentation and your assessment of your group members to your tutor at the start of the seminar. All presenters are to be in place within the first 10 minutes of the seminar. Revise your Reflection for submission next class. Upload To Turnitin. Nov. 25 – 29 No LECTURE Collaborative Project/Group Presentations & Performances (10%) Give the script for your group’s presentation and your assessment of your group members to your tutor at the start of the seminar. Submit your Final Reflection and accountability statement. END OF COURSE

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pocari Sweat Essay

This assignment deals with advertising and it’s concepts. So to start off we’d like to explain certain terms: Advertising is more than just a means of disseminating product information. It is a primary communication tool of our economic system and our culture. In other words it could be defined as † a purposive communication to a target market, which assists in selling by drawing attention to the characteristics of a product which will appeal to the buying motives of customers in the target segment of the market†. Advertising is mainly used for the following purposes: To support sales increase; To encourage trial; To create awareness; To inform about a feature or benefit; To create an image; To modify attitudes; To gain trade and sales staff support. There are three different kinds of advertisements: (1) Informative advertisement: This advertisement conveys information and raises consumer awareness of the product. These are common in early stages of the product life cycle. (2) Persuasive advertising: This advertisement is concerned with creating a desire for the product and stimulating actual purchase. This is mostly used for well-established products, which are in growth/maturity stages of the  product life cycle. (3) Reminding advertising: It is to remind consumers about the product or organization, or the benefits they (consumers) are receiving from buying the product. Advertising has an ethical and moral responsibility to deal honestly with its portrayal of society. Individual companies are judged by their own advertising, and the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the overall attitude of customers towards advertising generally. (Q) What does advertising do for consumers? One of the most important roles of advertising is showing people how to solve problems. Effective advertising must start from premises, â€Å"Does my product help people?† The major trend in modern advertising is making the consumer the focus of the marketing process. Organizations find that starting with the consumer creates a relationship in which products are designed for the consumers rather than having to convince consumers that a preexisting product is the one they want. (Q) What does advertising does for business? Without advertising, businesses would not be able to bring new products to the attention of enough consumers fast enough to make the enormous cost of creating, developing, manufacturing, and distributing the products practical. In other words, advertising is both a tool and requirement of an abundant economy. (Q) What does advertising does for society? Advertising has both intended and unintended results. Obviously, the intended result of most advertising is to contribute to the profitable sales of product. In addition to its economic role, advertising revenues support a diverse and independent press system protected from government and special  interest control. As a key communication link in the process, it also is a major stimulant to vigorous economic growth and stability. However, there is a growing awareness that advertising must move beyond single-minded concerns with profitability. There is increasing agreement that advertising must be created in an atmosphere that considers a number of ethical factors. A recent survey of advertising agency executives found that they faced six major ethical considerations in conducting business: 1. Treating clients fairly; 2. Creating honest, no misleading, socially desirable ads; 3. Representing unhealthy, useless, or unethical products; 4. Representing clients whose products/services are unhealthy and unneeded; 5. Treating suppliers, vendors, and media fairly; 6. Treating other agencies fairly. It is to the benefit of advertising and society in general that ethical issues are in the forefront of discussion concerning the practice of advertising. Now that we have seen what advertising is and how it deals with various people and organizations it is easy to set the objectives of advertising. These are likely to be the following: To communicate certain information about a product. This is perhaps the most important objective. To highlight specific features of a product which make it different from the  competitors. The concept of the unique selling proposition (USP) is that by emphasizing a unique feature, which appeals to a customer need. To build up a brand or company image through corporate advertising. To reinforce customer behavior. Influencing dealers and resellers to stock the items (on as much shelf-space as possible). In case of government advertising. To achieve a policy objective. A successful ad: The content of an advertisement is determined largely by the objective of the advertising and the motivation of the potential customer. An advertisement should present information, which leads to a greater awareness of the product. It should be an attention-getter and may excite amusement or emotions such as fear, but inciting these feelings should not be allowed to be the only effect of the advertisement. Advertising will be most successful if the following conditions apply: a) The product should have characteristics, which lend themselves to advertising. 1. It should be distinctive and identifiable. 2. It should stimulate emotional buying. 3. If at point of sale a customer can refute an advertisement claim simply by inspecting the product, advertising will achieve no sales at all. b) There should be consistency throughout the sales operation. Advertising, the activities of salesperson and dealers, branding, packaging and pricing should all promote the same product image. c) There should be co-operation between advertising staff and all other  activities in the company. Product design, production, distribution, selling and financial operations should all combine to achieve customer orientation and maximum selling efficiency. After all the facts now let’s move on to our product and its advertisement. We have chosen POCARI SWEAT as our product. A Japanese company known as Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. launched Pocari Sweat in 1980. Under the company philosophy, â€Å"Otsuka – meaning – people creating new products for better health worldwide†, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. is an R&D-oriented corporation with a central focus on pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Through innovative products, OPC hopes to make a difference in curing illnesses and maintaining people’s everyday health. The name POCARI SWEAT is a JAPLISH word (Japanese & English). ‘POCARI’ sounds relaxing, easeful, and light to Japanese people. It doesn’t mean any English word. We know that ‘SWEAT’ has dirty image in English. Then why did the company use such a word?† Actually ‘SWEAT’ has meanings of diligence, efforts, and refreshing ness in Japan, which shows their importance to work, their culture and belief. So that’s how the word came – POCARI SWEAT! Most of Japanese people call POCARI SWEAT as â€Å"POCARI.† We rarely call its full name. We suppose that people have western-like image to â€Å"sweat† especially; Since, POCARI SWEAT has been a very famous and popular name, they (the company) cannot change its name. This company also manufactures various other products like: Ornamin-C (Energy Drink), Calorie Meter (Diet Drink), Energen and Fast Break (energy drinks). Company Name Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Head Office 2-9 Kanda Tsukasa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8535, Japan Phone: +81-3-3292-0021 Date Established August 10, 1964 President Tatsuo Higuchi Capital 6 billion yen Employees 5,224 (As of April 1, 2002) Business Description Manufacturing, Distributing, Exporting, Importing of pharmaceuticals, Clinical testing equipment, Medical equipment, and Food products. Domestic Establishments 17 branch offices/50 district offices 16 research institutions 2 clinical research laboratory 6 factories POCARI SWEAT A WORLDWIDE BRAND! DID YOU KNOW The human body has a very high water content: 60% for the average adult, and approximately 70% for a child. This water component is known as body fluid, and contains electrolytes such as sodium and potassium ions. WATER content in a child and adult body. The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of those electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that our body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t  harm the important balance of body fluids. CONTENTS OF POCARI SWEAT Pocari Sweat plays a vital role in human body after consuming it. Every day we loose about 2.5 liters of water through urinating, sweating and breathing, while we intake approximately the same amount through food and drink. Body fluids automatically regulate this loss and intake of water: balancing the two is vital to the maintenance of a healthy body. Pocari does just that after playing sports, working out in a gym, practicing yoga or long tiring dances lessons. This will be clear from the following diagram: Graph showing daily loss and intake of water in a human body Now that we have seen various graphs that how dangerous can it be if we loose water in plenty. Well now that OPC (the company) has launched Pocari Sweat there is no fear of loosing excess water. Consuming Pocari not only gives a refreshing feeling but also prevents loss of fluid from our body. It will be clear from another graph, which follows: Comparison of how Pocari Sweat prevents the loss of body fluids The composition of POCARI SWEAT is similar to that of our own body fluids. It contains just the right amount of electrolytes – such as sodium and potassium ions – that your body loses when it loses water. It’s also gentler on our body and more easily absorbed than ordinary water. And it doesn’t harm the important balance of body fluids. This graph shows clearly the performance of POCARI SWEAT. POCARI SWEAT COMPETITION By now you’d wonder that who are competitors of POCARI SWEAT? Well the real answer according to Otsuka Pharmaceuticals is that POCARI SWEAT  real competitor is PLAIN WATER and not energy drinks! Many would disagree to it but it’s the truth. People would say that Pocari faces a huge competition with the energy drinks available in the U.A.E like the Red-Bull, Isostar, Blue Ox, Flying Horse etc. Well according the product agencies in the U.A.E. they mention that Pocari is not an energy drink but it’s a REHYDRATION DRINK. The product (Pocari Sweat) agents in U.A.E are AL MAYA LAL’S LLC. To prove the above statement that Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink the following picture of Pocari’s can, which clearly shows it: In reality, Pocari Sweat is a rehydration drink, which is very similar to baby rehydration fluid. The label on the bottle clarifies: This close up is taken from the can Past advertisements Pocari Sweat had made many ads in Japan, which is shown mainly in other Eastern Asian countries, they were a huge hit there but the company have failed to make an impact with them in the Western countries, that is why the product is not much known and the popularity is not much as it have in Japan and other neighboring countries. The companies previous ads were focused mainly on sports, they had many famous celebrities, models and artists in their ads, some of them are: Cindy Crawford (model), Nancy Adrew (stunt actress and model), Tikeshi (model), and Myo Chin Haut (model) etc. The concepts, which the company wanted to show people through its ad, were amazing and very creative, shot very beautifully under water. The first which showed two men playing tennis under water; the second big ad was during the Football World Cup held in Japan, which obviously had to be a soccer ad. Lately, the company has shot an ad keeping in mind how trendy and energetic are today’s teenagers; they have a skate boarder skating (which are attached with color cans), as he goes two and fro on the ramp it creates  graffiti. (This ad is not available on the net; the concept was taken from the following link: this site also contains previous football ads made by the company. In-short after our research we feel that the company and the agents of POCARI SWEAT in the U.A.E and the Middle East should emphasize more on advertising. The product is doing fine as we can see that most of our samples drink it after some activity, with 1-2 cans at a time, they find it really refreshing and energetic, and end up with the results as â€Å"good overall performance†. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Newspapers/Magazines: Gulf News, Khaleej Times, Fortune 500, Forbes. Text Books: Advertising and Sales Promotion Techniques by Gerard J. Tellis Advertising Procedure by J. Thomas Russell, W. Ronald, 14th Edition Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 11th Edition Marketing HND/HNC Edexcel textbook, BPP Publishing Websites:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Monopolistic Competition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Monopolistic Competition - Research Paper Example This similarity is obtained due to product differentiation portrayed either physically, by perception, or by support services. Most importantly, customers view these goods as similar since they serve the same purpose. Monopolistic competition advocates free entry into market and free exit. This enables new firms to come up with close substitutes thus enhancing competition. In a free market, a firm faces no restrictions from the government rules, financial start-up, or other considerable barriers. Additionally, free entry and exit in the market maintains profit maximization of a firm for a longer span of time. Selling price is a unique characteristic in monopolistic competition (Baumol, 2011). A firm is ever independent in decision-making. Each firm decides on commodity price and output. The seller sets the price of a good depending on circumstances. These variations of price arise due to product differentiation and other additional expenditures. Nike and Asics portray an example of two firms in the sneaker industry, which exhibits monopolistic competition. In order to ensure maximum competition, in the large monopolistic market, Nike and Asics need to emphasize on product differentiation to attract customers. The factors that need consideration during differentiation include style, appearance, quality, performance, close substitute of the goods (Arora, 2007). Since both firms produce similar product, there is need for a difference in the products that will attract the buyers. Different buyers have different perceptions on the kind of shoe to wear or the kind of shoe they feel comfortable with while wearing. The style of shoe tells a lot about an individual. Therefore, it is important for the two firms to first strategize and research on the style of shoe that most people prefer. This will enable the firm produce the shoe and ultimately sell it without much competition. Moreover, it is

Friday, September 27, 2019

Proposal for a Business Incubator Project Coursework

Proposal for a Business Incubator Project - Coursework Example The project is commercially viable as a business and will form foundation for the development of new businesses and entrepreneurship. Background There is a growing preference among the young people for self-employment with plans for future expansion through experience and accumulated knowledge gained over the period of time in the business. The initial expenses in setting up the office for the business involve rental, purchase of office equipments and appointment of office assistant, in addition to purchasing vehicle for transport in connection with the business. Many of the dreams and well conceived plans for the businesses do not see the day light due to lack of seed capital. The business incubator project proposed is expected to address these problems effectively with little investment on the part of the entrepreneur. Business problems and the concept underlying the project The project aims to solve the problems in raising seed capital for the businesses by the entrepreneurs. The businesses initially started by the entrepreneurs are mostly one man shows. The entrepreneurs need to plan their businesses, establish administrative facilities for the businesses and engage in marketing their products or services. The most important part in the initial stages of the business is to establish office facilities or creating an ‘address’ for the business. This is important since the suppliers or service providers, the customers and other agencies need to contact the people in business in person or send couriers or leave messages. It is also required for storage of materials like drawings, CDs and books connected with the business. Therefore, a place with easy access to customers will be useful in keeping the contacts alive for growth in business and for being abreast of the developments in the markets and technology. Costly rental, capital investment needed for installation of facilities and working capital required for maintaining the office or work place act as deterrents in start-up businesses in most of the cases. Therefore, if the problems associated with this part of the business are effectively addressed, the entrepreneurs are free to plan their other business and marketing activities without bothering about the issues related to establishment of an office. Solution to the business problems There are several jobs which require minimal paper work but extensive travelling in meeting the customers to explain about the product or services. For example, CRM software for a small boutique, clubs or optical products stores keeping in tune with the changes taking place in technological front could catch up in the market in future. Sophisticated software used by the big corporations will be too costly to install in small businesses. This software developed by an entrepreneur might solve various issues connected to the data management relating to small businesses. The development of software is not a problem to a software engineer. But, m arketing of the software needs extensive travelling, demonstration of the product to the prospective clients’ needs conference hall and the business needs an office to attend the calls of the clients and receive the couriers addressed to the business. It is also important to note that the office should be equipped with facilities for communication,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Myeloproliferative Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Myeloproliferative Disorders - Essay Example In 2005, similarity in the major disease groups of MPDs got some explanation when Janus Kinase 2 V617F (JAK2- V617F) which in fact represents a G to T somatic mutation of JAK2 at nucleotide 1849, in exon 14, which eventually end up in the substitution of valine to phenylalanine at codon 617 (Tefferi 2006). Apparently, it seems that all group members of MPDs contain JAK2-V617F in equal proportion in all patients, persistently; which raises the question of capturing all disorders in the group through a single mutation, how is it possible But this is not the case! In fact, various diseases of the group carry this mutation in their genetic materials with different proportions in different patients; moreover, these diseases do not constantly carry this mutation as a universal principle. ... Various researchers have got the evidence to describe that the proportion of the patients with one of the three diseases of MPDs carry JAK2-V617F in different proportions and among these diseases PV is the disease which carries it to the maximum level. According to Tefferi (Tefferi 2006), almost all patients with PV carry the mutation while in the remaining two diseases, ET and IM, about half of the patients each in the two groups carry JAK2-V617F. While Jones et al (Jones 2005) gave could capture lower frequency of the mutation in these diseases, like: 81 percent of the patients with PV could show JAK2-V617F, 43 percent with IM and 41 percent with ET were able to reflect the mutated genetic material. This non-consistent behaviour of the mutated genetic material demands some further exploration in this area. One possible explanation in the favour of single mutation with multiple diseases still exists and which is related to sensitivity and specificity of the tests capturing the findings, which support JAK2-V617F. There are chances that mutation is present in the disease groups belonging to MPDs but the available tests are not efficient enough to detect that. For this answer we need to wait for the availability of refined testing system. At the same time it seems obvious that some other mechanisms are also operating in differentiating the progenitor to different diseases. Whether these mechanisms are timed before, after or at the same time as the mutation develops; it is to be answered. Jamieson et al (Jamieson 2006) found through their study that: in samples of PV patients, the cells with haematopoietic stem cells phenotype produced JAK2-V617F which in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How Does Social Context Contribute to the Definition of Value in Music Essay

How Does Social Context Contribute to the Definition of Value in Music - Essay Example This essay approves that music is coherently considered to be the gift of a lifetime. Ever since its evolution, music has remained an integral part of society, culture and now even education. As a result of its affective power, music is seen to improve the learning environment. Social context provides a platform in the recognition of value in music. Music is it found in expressing religion as well as celebrations encompassing weddings, funerals, festivals, etc. No human community has ever been discovered without music. This enables us to think that music is not only a derivative of human activity but also a predominant part of human community. This report makes a conclusion that from the dawn of human civilization music has persistently remained embedded in the everyday life of individuals around the globe. The fact that no society or culture is ever been untouched by music enables us to acknowledge that music is the very core of our lives. Each society or culture is characterized by its distinct form of music. The hip-hop music or the pop music for example exhibits its unique kind of culture like dress, language, etc. Music is responsible in adding elegance to a particular culture. With its intrinsic values it coherently touches our souls and acts as an active contributor in the social context. It encourages creativity, provides the opportunity to perform in public and acts as an excellent means of communication as well.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Distributed Information Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Distributed Information Systems - Assignment Example With the aim to ease up information system within the local administration motel and the head office administration as well as to the on-line clients, the system allows access to all stored data in a uniform way regardless of where the user is located. All existing data about customer, branch, and headquarters will be preserved in the new system and accessed uniformly despite its different physical storage locations and formats. Car-free Motel Customers may log-in using their username and password for security. New customers may register their own username and password. Car-free website has its own domain and URL available worldwide online. Local Branch Administrator and users may access their branch data in order to update customer bookings, room availability, room type and price of room. They may also check record of customer as well as credit card validity. The Headquarters can access all data regarding all customers and all branches including bookings, room availability and rates, and promotions. They may delete or add a motel branch on the listing as they wish. History and credit card validity can also be accessed by the Headquarters. Analysis: To enable the Information Technology consultant to facilitate the above mentioned goals, it is necessary that all client requirements and needs are presented. Likewise, the local administrators of each Car-free Motel branch not only meet skills and knowledge but also their exact needs from client and motel operations so that a smooth, lesser hassle operation is guaranteed. Foremost, the central administration or headquarters must be thoroughly or highly reliable, updated in the system to enable changes, update, deletion, addition of information. It is not enough that the IT consultant can provide the necessary client requirement. A three way interface allowing full access of information by the central administration is necessary, but must be clearly coordinated with all users. While local administration branches may access limited data such as present or existing client data, motel room availability, deletion of motel listing, update of price, room available and room type, promotiona l update, among others necessary in order to address need of client as well as ease of data facilitation between client and branch administration, and local branch

Monday, September 23, 2019

Scholarly paper schizophrenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Scholarly paper schizophrenia - Essay Example A holistic approach has to be adopted in the treatment of this condition. Although schizophrenia cannot be cured, its symptoms can be considerably mitigated by medication with antipsychotic drugs. To a significant extent, this condition is genetic. However, it is also caused by stress, abuse of drugs and trauma. Schizophrenia Introduction This work deals with the disorder of schizophrenia and the methods of dealing with the problem. Initially, clinical features of the disease were taken up for a discussion. Subsequently, implications of the disorder were discussed. Moreover, the psychopathology of this ailment had been analysed. In this regard, role of the health care professionals in implementing the pathological interventions related to the patient, had been examined. Thereafter, the impact of the disease on the psychological condition of the patient were examined. The extant medical treatments and their effectiveness have been analysed. Pharmacological treatments, and psychologica l interventions provided by the health professionals, as a part of the treatment of this disorder, were taken up for a brief discussion. Subsequently, genetic issues relating to the problem were examined. Finally conclusions were arrived at stating that family support and psychological interventions are essential, n addition to the available medical treatments, in containing the degenerative disorder schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a condition that can be correlated to many factors, and constitutes the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Although the exact causes of this disorder have not been established, it is now evident that some of the genetic conditions have a causal relationship with schizophrenia, as depicted in the research conducted by Tandon, Keshavan, and Nasrallah. This can be established by family, twin and adoption studies (Tormoehlen & Lessick, 2011, p. 486). Individuals afflicted with schizophrenia exhibit excess mortality, in comparison to the general population. All the same, several of the people with this disease will survive and suffer from it in their later life. This makes it clear that schizophrenia among the old will emerge as a major public health issue in the future. Consequently, treatment of schizophrenia that is based on evidence will become a major issue, with regard to the older patients. All the same, the absence of adequate data to guide the selection of antipsychotics for those suffering from schizophrenia in their later life (Suzuki, et al., 2011, p. 961). There is an absence regarding the essential criteria necessary for arriving at a diagnosis of schizophrenia. However, there is consensus regarding the general clinical aspects of this syndrome (Tandon, Nasrallah, & Keshavan, 2009, p. 3). Clinical Features of Schizophrenia Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia have a higher mortality rate, in comparison to the normal population. Even though these heightened mortality rates seem to be on an increas ing trend, many of the patients afflicted with schizophrenia survive until old age and continue to suffer from the disorder. Hence, geriatric schizophrenia needs to be addressed in the near future, as one can expect the number of patients affected by it to increase substantially (Suzuki, et al., 2011, p. 662). Patients affected with an early onset of schizophrenia and who do not show adequate

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Write a letter of Introduction to Medgar Evers Essay

Write a letter of Introduction to Medgar Evers - Essay Example But there are still problems among us that you would feel it was necessary to confront, and I believe you could give us some guidance on what we should be doing to remain true to your legacy. Without money, the hard-won right to education remains elusive. So many young Americans today are prevented from achieving their full potential educationally as their families do not have the financial resources to ensure their tertiary – and sometimes even their secondary – education. The pressure to enter employment for the children of families who live in poverty is huge. Children need to be earning dollars to contribute to the survival of the family. And in a kind of vicious circle, the only jobs available to baseline educated people are low-earning, and low-status, without many prospects for advancement and future success. So, many of our children are drawn into, for example, the drug industry and organized crime syndicates take full advantage of the desperation of our children and families. It seems that the great contribution you made to human rights for all of us is being undercut by a kind of economic segregation, which continues to exist for certain communities. As people live in disadvantaged communities, they are forced into situations where the stereotypical perceptions of those communities are able to continue. I believe that you would feel great disappointment and sadness if you were to see this unfair and seemingly unstoppable situation in the country you loved so, and fought for in foreign countries. Politically, we have benefited; socially and economically we have a long way to go. We have to, like you did, recognize and identify the reality of our situation, and begin to act as you did to change it. With community efforts, supported by Federal Government, we can make it possible for parents to get out of the cycle of poverty, and be assisted in providing their children with

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Discuss the portrayal of women Essay Example for Free

Discuss the portrayal of women Essay On the one hand, Hardy portrays how negative life was for women in Victorian society. However, on the other hand, he clearly shows sympathy for the plight of women which suggests he had a desire for change. Hardy shows how the role of women in Victorian society was to get married. If a woman did not get married, she was treated as though there was something wrong with her and indeed was often ignored by both men and women. Hardy shows us this when he tells of how Rhoda sat apart from the rest in the milking barn and lived on a lonely spot away from the other milkmaids. We learn that Rhoda has had a child out of wedlock with Farmer Lodge. For this terrible sin, Rhoda is effectively excluded from society; however, no blame is attached to Farmer Lodge. This is an example of the double standards that women in Victorian England had to live with. Hardy uses this concept throughout the story to emphasise the plight of women in Victorian society. Women were also expected to marry young and produce an heir and a spare. When Gertrude failed to do this, she invited the scorn of her husband who was bitter over her failure to continue his family line. At no time was it suggested that it was the mans fault that they were unable to have a child. It was always considered the womans fault. In Victorian times, beauty was a desirable quality for any young brides and an absence of this led to rifts between partners. Hardy shows this by comparing Farmer Lodges attitude to Gertrude before and after her arm became disfigured; Before Gertrudes arm becomes disfigured, Farmer Lodge views Gertrude as a pretty young girl who will serve well as his wife and he is pleased with her. However, after her arm becomes disfigured Gertrude tells of how she thinks that Farmer Lodge cares for her less. From then on, we get the impression that Farmer Lodge feels very displeased by his wife. All this shows that women were expected to conform to societys expectations of them and if they did not they were ostracized from society. An extreme example of this is illustrated by Hardy later on in the story when he tells of how Rhoda is even viewed as a witch because she is not fulfilling the usual criteria of a woman. On the other hand, Hardy shows he had sympathy for the way women were treated by the way he ends the story. Hardy punishes Farmer Lodge for not taking care of Rhoda and her son by killing his wife and making him live a remorseful life from then on. This shows that Hardy desired change in the way the women were being treated but understood that innocent lives would have to be lost first. He drew a parallel between this and the death of Gertrude.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Information And Communication Technology On Democracy Media Essay

Information And Communication Technology On Democracy Media Essay The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the world. The centrality of information in our society has resulted in many declaring that we have entered into a new stage of human existence, often referred to as the Information Age. The easy access to ICT provides new opportunities for individuals and non-institutionalized organizations to unite and coordinate in order to publish their message across international boundaries. There have been movements that have adopted ICT as a tool of democracy but the real question is whether or not ICT can function as a tool in assisting democratic movements and political parties to raise national or international awareness of their cause. E-democracy and electronic government can drastically alter the relationship between government and citizens and the way they communicate (Darin, 2005). Furthermore, ICT-usage could be developed significantly as a tool for publicizing information. Democratic movements have much to gain in adopting better media skills and a greater understanding of the dynamics of the contemporary media system and the internet. The Information Ages altered media sphere can entail new and positive opportunities for political groups and grass roots movements if they learn to master the information technology media logic. Technology has produced an altered definition of democracy. The concepts we know are based on the citizens rights and the competition of power but that definition has drastically changed. For instance, Benjamin R. Barber notes that digital technology is well-suited to enhancing democracy (Benjamin, 1998) therefore democracy itself needs to be given a new definition to adapt to how technology is influencing the term. On one hand, e-democracy is the use of technical tools particularly the Internet to allow citizens access to information; to take part in petitions, consultations, deliberation, referenda and elections; and communicate with each other to form e-communities and movements, and take part in e-campaigning and e-activism (Edemocracy, 2008). On the other hand, democracy is a political system that protects the people, a system that allows the replacement of political leaders, one that promotes the active participation of citizens in their countries political affairs. With the Information Age new ways of doing things have emerged; now there is digital democracy, E-government and E-governance concepts, all of which are dramatically changing the political environment. Power too has been impacted as a consequence of ICT. Political power is no longer in the hands of two or three but grass roots movements have become involved in politics creating a more balanced and more evenly distributed political power system. The interest in using technology to develop an electronic type of democratic system is more North American in origin than any from any other part. Declining rates of political participation in North America has called for the introduction of new innovative ways of getting citizens to participate in politics electronically. As a consequence of the origin of electronic democracy any future world electronic political advancement will depend on the North American political culture. Europe and other developing nations such as Chile are also implementing the electronic democratic system which will balance any Americanization that might have suffered world politics. ICT gives political parties better ways to target and reach voters. Website has been used as a tool giving parties the ability to become their own news reporters (Stephen, 12) and better inform their target audience. President Barack Obamas previous campaign is a symbol that using the media and internet can yield great results to a political candidate. The internet for instance, has been used for fundraising, as a social medium for reaching voters and as a way to promote their political ideologies targeting specific segments of the population. Technology makes democracy more accessible and has eased the process of participating in ones government. For example, in developed and developing countries the internet is everywhere (Andrew and Christopher, 271). Every department has its own website and the same is true for political parties. Moreover, social media channels such as Facebook, Youtube and Myspace has allowed the government and parties to interact with citizens and voters in a way never seen before. Therefore information technology makes democracy more affordable and accessible for anyone, regardless of income or social status and further allows government and parties to use technology as a tool of democracy. Access is perhaps the most notable impact that ICT has had on democracy. Having the ability to say what we think when we want has increased political participation in the last few years, at least electronically. For example, on Youtube there are countless videos of grass roots, individuals and non-governmental organizations talking and protesting about certain issues; without technology that would never have been possible. Moreover, as a consequence of technologys involvement in political affairs new political culture and ideologies will emerge which may further complicate the association between democracy and ICT. To conclude, this essay has highlighted some of the ways in which technology is creating positive impacts to democracy, be it through fundraising or its social media usage to reach targeted segments of the society. It has also given a definition of democracy and of e-democracy and finally, it shows how ICT makes it easier for one to voice ones opinions and participate in governance affairs which is the main principle on which democracy is based. Therefore, ICT does have a positive impact on all individuals, political parties, non-governmental institutions and grass roots movements if they learn how to use the new media and information technology to be more effective and proactive.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Linux Against Microsoft Window Essay -- essays research papers

Linux Against Microsoft Windows Linux is a free operating system that was developed on the internet.It was formed by Linus Torvalds first,then he put its source code to his web page.After that,the internet hackers and the programmers developed it.It is a Unix-like operating system because it is the main reason to develop the Linux.By the time,it becomes a big organization and now it is a powerful, advanced operating system.It has an important feature that is not available for other operating systems.You can run Linux with other operating systems like MacOS, DOS,Windows 95, Windows NT, Novell, OS/2 on the same machine.It is an advantage of linux that a user can easily compare Linux with other operating systems. Unlike Windows, Linux is a capable of runnig on large variety of computer systems.One of them is Intel Based PCs.Most of the home users prefer Intel Based PCs.So they can run Linux on their computers(Windows can only run on Intel Based PCs).Digital Alpha systems are used by the huge companies.Linux has the capability of running on the Digital Alpha systems so it can reach the advanced users.Other computer system is Macintosh Power PC that is used by graphical designers,press companies and advertising companies, can be run with Linux. The others are Sun Sparc&Sun Ultra, Amiga, 3Com Palm Pilot which are rarely used. This capability of Linux provides a large user number and user kind that makes Linux more popular.( Linux has a powerful security system.It is almost impossible to write a virus for Linux because it must be 30-40 Mbytes.Also it has firewall system to protect the network from the hackers.If we think that there are a lot viruses for windows that can harm all of your system, we can understand how Linux is secure.Linux is a stable operating system that never fails like Windows.When Bill Gates presented the Windows 98, an error message appeared on the screen that says you must shutdown your computer. In Linux, there are not error messages like that. You can kill a process that is not replying with kill command.Linux has true multitasking property.It is true because it is not like Windows. You can run up to twelve process in the same time with no performance loss.Miicrosoft claims that Windows has the capability of multitasking but you can not run two process on the same time. Linux has virtual memory.It means that you can use ... ...any to communicate with its branch. These are impossible on Windows 95/98. Linux have a lot of features and by the time its features are getting more. By the spreading of internet, Linux become more popular and more people learn that there is an operating system called Linux which is better than Windows.Linus Torvalds answers the question ‘What makes Linux so successful?’. He says “It is very simple.Because the software is free, there is no pressure to release it before its really ready just to achieve some sales targets. Every version of Linux is declared to be finished only when it is actually finished, which explains why it is so solid. The other reason why free software is better is because the personal reputation of the developer is attached to every release. If you are making something to give away to the world, something that represents to millions of users your philosophy of computing, you will always make it the very best product you can make. That’s the reason why Linux is a success .“( We can understan d that Linux(It is a free software) is not worried about sales, and it wants to give the best to the user.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Euthanasia Opinion :: Free Euthanasia Essay

Euthanasia Opinion Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life by another at the request of the person who dies. Although it is legal in Holland, it is illegal throughout the UK and is an extremely controversial topic often discussed in the media. When it is being debated it is essential to address all the issues and arguments for and against, religious and non-religious, as all the churches oppose it strongly. There are very many points against euthanasia. The first is that life is a gift from God and only he can take it away. This is obviously a strong religious argument that many people feel cannot be argued against, as any gift from God should be treasured. Some people also argue that there are many pain-killing drugs that will relieve the patients suffering and that at the time the patient may not be able to make a rational decision or may change their minds but be incapable of expressing this to a doctor. Older people may feel they are becoming a burden upon their families and other people and opt for euthanasia although they may actually want to continue living. It also means that the relationship of trust between doctors and patients is put at risk as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath that doctors must try to preserve life. Some people argue that if there were better facilities for caring for the dying there would be no need for euthanasia. Euthanasia is also seen to devalue life and can be said to be the first step on a "slippery slope." The Catholic Church has the following opinion on euthanasia: "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Euthanasia goes against Christianity and the will of God. It is sinful and wrong." Although the churches disagree strongly with euthanasia, there are still many people who would put forward strong arguments for it and would like to see it legalised. These arguments would be that it can quickly and humanely end a patient's suffering and it can help to shorten the grief and emotional pain of the loved ones of the

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Essay -- Race Ethnicity Health

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Large disparities exist between minorities and the rest of Americans in major areas of health. Even though the overall health of the nation is improving, minorities suffer from certain diseases up to five times more than the rest of the nation. President Clinton has committed the nation to eliminating the disparities in six areas of health by the Year 2010, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be jumping in on this huge battle. The six areas are: Infant Mortality, Cancer Screening and Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, HIV Infection and AIDS, and Child and Adult Immunizations. Infant mortality is considered a worldwide indicator of a nation’s health status. The United States still ranks 24th in infant mortality compared with other industrialized nations, even though infant mortality has declined steadily over the past several decades. Compared with the national average in 1996 of 7.2 deaths per 1,000 live births, the largest disparity is among blacks with a death rate of 14.2 per 1,000 in 1996 which is almost 2Â ½ times that of white infants (6 deaths per 1,000 in 1996). American Indians as a whole have an infant death rate of 9 deaths per 1,000 in 1995, but some Indian communities have an infant mortality rate almost twice that of the national rate. The same applies to the Hispanic community, whose rate of 7.6 deaths per 1,000 births in 1995 doesn’t reflect the Puerto Rican community, whose rate was 8.9 deaths per 1,000 births in 1995. The disparities may be attributed to the amount of prenatal care that pregnant women of different ethnicities receive. In 1996, 81.8% of all women in the nation received prenatal care in the first trimester--the m... ...east 90% coverage for all childhood vaccines in all populations. Increase pneumococcal and flu immunizations among adults 65 and older by 60%. Let’s all hope it can be done because in order for our nation to thrive, our nation needs to be healthy and there is no excuse for the disparities minorities face when it comes to their health. Works Cited United States. US Department of Health and Human Services. The Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparitites in Health. 26 May 1998. Online. Internet. 21 February 1999. Available <>. "Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health." Public Health Reports. July/August 1998: 372 EBSCOhost. Available <>. (11 February 1999) Unknown Authors. "Health and Medicine." Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. Volume 3. p 821

Monday, September 16, 2019

Influence of Fast Food on Children

â€Å"You are what you eat†, is a well known saying. Its message really means that if you eat healthy foods, you are most likely to be healthy. The good and healthy foods which include fresh fruits, green vegetables, fibre rich grains, pulses etc are considered old fashioned. Kids and teenagers today are opting for a greasy burger and a bag of fries, with a soda included to complete the meal. It is the age of fast-food. Eating fast-food means instant gratification. And eating fast-food much of the time can seriously injure the health of anybody, especially growing children and teenagers. Everywhere they are lamenting that obesity is on the rise, especially amongst children. Blame it on salt or sugar. Call it the fast-food disaster, but a meal at a fast-food restaurant could expose a child to unnaturally high levels of salt. The daily recommended dosage of salt is no more than 6gm per day for an adult and 3gm per day for a child. Studies have shown that Fast-Food meals can easily contain four times that amount of salt for a child. Moreover, these fast-food meals are extremely high in calories. Eat a small amount and you will be packing on the pounds rapidly. Besides, an excess of salt in the body can send children’s blood pressure soaring, thereby putting them at the risk of both stroke and heart disease. The consequences of bad eating are many. From skin problems to obesity, poor digestion, an inability to think clearly, a general lack of energy, constant mood swings and blood sugar inconsistencies. The excess sugar in the fast foods leads to diabetes in children. I have a personal experience related to this. One of my classmates in IV std had bad eating habits. His lunch box was almost always packed with burgers, fried chicken or French fries. Added to this he was always seen drinking colas. Due to this he was overweight and physically inactive. Unfortunately, during the same year he was diagnosed as diabetic. Doctors placed all the diet restrictions for him and medications to take for the remaining life. It was a sad thing to happen at such a young age. My advice to all of the young friends, please cultivate a habit to consume Good Food which includes fresh fruits, green vegetables, milk, fibre rich grains, pulses, fish etc to be healthy and fit. Thank You

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Disadvantages of television Essay

It is believed that television is one of the successful invention in this era. At first, television is used to transfer information from all over the world in the fastest speed. Nowadays, television has entered another stage, there are many shopping mall selling high-definition televisions. Other than first hand information, television provides us entertainment and knowledge. There are sitcoms, documentary, drama, sports, movie, etc. Nonetheless, is it good or not? This time, let us talk about the advantages and disadvantages of watching television. Like some people, I love watching television when I have spare time. In 21st century, watching television has been becoming a popular activity other than sports, or playing video games. Nevertheless, did you notice how many hours do you spend on watching television every day? And did you choose a suitable programme for yourself? Surprisingly, the average of an American watch television for 7 hours and 15 minutes per day. And this figured out how many people has already been invaded by television. Read more: Advantages of television essay Watching television is really a waste of time. Those for whom watching television 8 hours a day. They waste 56 hours a week, then they waste about 240 hours a month, and they waste about 2900 hours a year. As if we can make good you use of these 2900 hours, we can learn knowledge from books, can make ourselves more healthy. Also, television programme are not suitable for everyone. Violence and sexual materials affect the growth of children and teens. If their parents do not teach them, their children may result in committing crimes. Moreover, if their parents did not tell their children not to open the volume too loud or watching television in a longer distance, it may also hurt their ears and eyes easily. Furthermore, students who watch television more than 2 hours everyday, it may affect their academic because they have no longer concern about their study

Hamlet Questions Answered Essay

Question 1: Laertes and Polonius provide several explanations of their reasons for Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet. Both their opinions appear to be unreasonable, which is evident through their oppressive and restrictive attitudes. Laertes believes Ophelia is beneath Hamlet on social level, therefore he voices that the prince’s, â€Å"choice must be circumscribed.† This is unreasonable as Laertes is diminishing Ophelia’s confidence by referring to the fact that Hamlet’s partner will be chosen for him, and Ophelia would not fit this role, or be considered for it. Laertes continues to refer to Hamlet in a negative matter, stating that his, â€Å"love,† is, â€Å"not permanent,† and, â€Å"the perfume and suppliance of a minute,† meaning it is brief, and temporary. Polonius also presents unreasonable arguments as to why Ophelia should stop seeing Hamlet. The hypocritical nature of Polonius is evident through his commands to Ophelia: â€Å"To thine own self be true,† which is later followed by, â€Å"you’ll tender me a fool.† It is clear that Polonius is only concerned with sculpting Ophelia to act a specific way to ensure that his own reputation is not tainted. Polonius states, â€Å"give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.† This also acts as a contrast to the previous statement, as Ophelia cannot be true to herself if she has to, â€Å"reserve,† her true self. Evidently, Polonius offers an unreasonable opinion to encourage the discontinuation of Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet. Question 3: Both soliloquies voiced by Hamlet contain similar ideas and concepts, which are crucial to understanding the nature of his character. The two soliloquies present Hamlet as an isolated figure, which is seen by the language such as, â€Å"and thy commandment all alone shall live,† and, â€Å"break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue.† These statements express the mental anguish Hamlet is experiencing in his, â€Å"distracted globe,† a metaphor for his scattered thoughts. The soliloquies also contain elements of hatred towards women. For Hamlet it particularly involves his mother, however he generalises his statement by voicing, â€Å"frailty, thy name is woman!† This is continued in his second soliloquy where Hamlet states, â€Å"O most pernicious woman!† Evidently Hamlet struggles to respect the role of women and the mannerisms of his mother, whom he refers to as a, â€Å"beast,† who married Claudius at a, â€Å"wicked,† speed. Question 6: Hamlet gives signs for potential madness in his first soliloquy, where he desires to commit suicide if it were not for the fact t hat â€Å"God† is, â€Å"’gainst self slaughter.† He refers to his hatred towards the world and it’s, â€Å"weary, stale, and unprofitable,† atmosphere. The negativity towards the nature of the world expressed by Hamlet provides a possible reason as to why he often isolates himself. Isolation is a dynamic that ultimately lead to madness, which is eventually what occurs with Hamlet. Furthermore, the audience obtains an indication of Hamlet’s potential for madness in the scene where he tells Horatio and Marcellus to, â€Å"swear,† their silence in relation to the ghost. Hamlet explains that he will put on an, â€Å"antic disposition,† which means he will, behave in a strange manner. The irony in this statement is that Hamlet does in fact go mad, and he announces this to Horatio and Marcellus as a means of giving himself permission to act, â€Å"out of joint.† Question 7: Claudius attempts to win over Denmark with his charming and manipulative behaviour, which is seen in the irony of his words: â€Å"Our dear brother’s death, the memory be green.† Claudius associates the death of his brother with new life and growth, so when the audience becomes aware of the, â€Å"unnatural,† and, â€Å"foul,† murder he committed, we are confronted with his wickedness. To establish his popularity Claudius repeatedly uses language that signifies national unity such as the, â€Å"jointress of this warlike state,† and â€Å"our hearts†¦our whole kingdom.† This conscious work displayed by Claudius demonstrates his methodology in having Denmark view him as a compassionate and practical King. Question 8: There is a reference to the fact that Denmark is a Catholic country when the ghost states that he was, â€Å"cut off even in the blossoms of my sin/Unhousel’d, disappointed, unaneled;/no reckoning made† This provides evidence for Catholicism as the apparition was not able to confess his sins (died without the Last Rites). A second reference which expresses Denmark as a Catholic country is shown when Hamlet remarks, â€Å"O, that this too too solid flesh would melt/Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter.† This excerpt indicates that Hamlet wished to commit suicide, but cannot as it is considered wrong in the eyes of God, therefore he would not be able to forgive himself in the afterlife. This is why Hamlet wishes he could, â€Å"melt,† which would save him from the guilt he would feel due to self-slaughter. Question 9: There are significant differences between the previous King Hamlet and King Claudius. The audience is given evidence that Old King Hamlet was a respectable and genuine leader through Prince Hamlet’s remark, â€Å"So excellent a king†¦so loving† It is clear the King Hamlet was honest and caring in all his actions; this contrasts with King Claudius’ character, who is scheming and power-hungry, so much so that he murdered his own brother, which he concealed due to his deceptive personality. King Hamlet tackled foreign policies openly and was so good a leader that he defeated Old Fortinbras, which had him take his land for the people of Denmark. King Claudius acts in a less honourable manner, where he leads Denmark on the basis of impressions, similar to politicians as seen in the modern age.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Logistics Pharmaceutical Challenges in South Africa

Logistics challenges facing pharmaceutical industries in South Africa Introduction South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and reflected from it being selected to host the 2010 soccer world cup it has resulted in an economic boost for the country. The largest service providers in South Africa are listed: * DHL * Schenker * K? hne & Nagel * Expeditor * Hellmann Safcor Panalpina * Micor * Megafreight * R? hlig Grindrod Trade challenges South Africa exports their goods mostly to Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan and the Unites states of America, and the imports list of South Africa is largely Germany as the top importing nation of South Africa then following is China, United States of America, Japan and Saudi Arabia.Transport infrastructure in African countries including South Africa is in poor conditions which causes ships in the harbours – which have insufficient infrastructure – to have to wait for a number f days before they can unload their goods . International nations who manufacture pharmaceutical goods for South Africa endure difficulties as they reach their capacity limits wasting a lot of time and slowing the supply chain.There are various challenges in South Africa and highlighted are challenges such as desert regions in the country, the high mountain ranges and rain forests in South Africa serve as challenges in the logistics supply and value chain of the country Pharmaceutical industries in perspective of complex networks in terms of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dispensers and distributors are rated as relatively well-developed and sufficient change has taken place from the challenges faced by the country. Challenges in the logistics perspectiveImporting goods into South Africa is made challenging because of the poor conditions the roads are that travelling is done on and another challenge is the South African ports and suppliers in terms of the distances between the two in various destinations northerly making it difficult to both drivers and transport equipment to reach their destination timely and effectively. Low standard facilities is what many of the countries border posts have and services offered are not done efficiently by officials because they do not possess the necessary skills required.With perspective of logistics fees the challenge of eliminating perversities in the calculation of logistics fees and according to PIASA the logistics fee issue remains unresolved as well as the dispensing fee on medicine. The low level/shortage of human resources is an additional concern within the pharmaceutical industry, Changes in the ordering patterns causes delivery windows to shorten. â€Å"Express logistics has always been indispensible in eliminating waste of time, money and products in the chain. † (M, Latif. Finished products and distribution manager – BE-Tabs) Therefore pharmaceutical companies need special handling and general cargo being segregated. Another challenge faced by the logistics perspective of the pharmaceutical industry is the uncertainty about the economy’s future pricing regulations which causes wholesalers to hold stock being increasingly reluctant, opting for less valued choices as well as for more frequent shipments, and in order to maintain efficiency and gather up resources to facilitate the peak of credit terms being extended means both manufacturer and service provider have to work closely together.In most pharmaceutical companies such as BE-Tabs the supply chain is kept functional to cater and meet the availability of final goods and affordability of those goods to meet expectations of the government and end-users. According to the pharmaceutical industry’s logistics it is a challenge to be overcome at all times to keep the cold chain intact for the many sensitive products in the supply chain, and just as important to maintain a viable and accurate information chain within the supply chain. Logistics Pharmaceutical Challenges in South Africa Logistics challenges facing pharmaceutical industries in South Africa Introduction South Africa is the most developed country in Africa and reflected from it being selected to host the 2010 soccer world cup it has resulted in an economic boost for the country. The largest service providers in South Africa are listed: * DHL * Schenker * K? hne & Nagel * Expeditor * Hellmann Safcor Panalpina * Micor * Megafreight * R? hlig Grindrod Trade challenges South Africa exports their goods mostly to Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan and the Unites states of America, and the imports list of South Africa is largely Germany as the top importing nation of South Africa then following is China, United States of America, Japan and Saudi Arabia.Transport infrastructure in African countries including South Africa is in poor conditions which causes ships in the harbours – which have insufficient infrastructure – to have to wait for a number f days before they can unload their goods . International nations who manufacture pharmaceutical goods for South Africa endure difficulties as they reach their capacity limits wasting a lot of time and slowing the supply chain.There are various challenges in South Africa and highlighted are challenges such as desert regions in the country, the high mountain ranges and rain forests in South Africa serve as challenges in the logistics supply and value chain of the country Pharmaceutical industries in perspective of complex networks in terms of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, dispensers and distributors are rated as relatively well-developed and sufficient change has taken place from the challenges faced by the country. Challenges in the logistics perspectiveImporting goods into South Africa is made challenging because of the poor conditions the roads are that travelling is done on and another challenge is the South African ports and suppliers in terms of the distances between the two in various destinations northerly making it difficult to both drivers and transport equipment to reach their destination timely and effectively. Low standard facilities is what many of the countries border posts have and services offered are not done efficiently by officials because they do not possess the necessary skills required.With perspective of logistics fees the challenge of eliminating perversities in the calculation of logistics fees and according to PIASA the logistics fee issue remains unresolved as well as the dispensing fee on medicine. The low level/shortage of human resources is an additional concern within the pharmaceutical industry, Changes in the ordering patterns causes delivery windows to shorten. â€Å"Express logistics has always been indispensible in eliminating waste of time, money and products in the chain. † (M, Latif. Finished products and distribution manager – BE-Tabs) Therefore pharmaceutical companies need special handling and general cargo being segregated. Another challenge faced by the logistics perspective of the pharmaceutical industry is the uncertainty about the economy’s future pricing regulations which causes wholesalers to hold stock being increasingly reluctant, opting for less valued choices as well as for more frequent shipments, and in order to maintain efficiency and gather up resources to facilitate the peak of credit terms being extended means both manufacturer and service provider have to work closely together.In most pharmaceutical companies such as BE-Tabs the supply chain is kept functional to cater and meet the availability of final goods and affordability of those goods to meet expectations of the government and end-users. According to the pharmaceutical industry’s logistics it is a challenge to be overcome at all times to keep the cold chain intact for the many sensitive products in the supply chain, and just as important to maintain a viable and accurate information chain within the supply chain.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Does Globalization help or hurt the state of Alabama Essay

Does Globalization help or hurt the state of Alabama - Essay Example Globalization effects are dependent on the state of development of the nation. Countries that are termed as developing may not benefit from globalization compared to developed nations. This can be attributed to the lack adequate fund to acquire technology to compete with developed nations. Globalization can thus be evaluated with regards to the effect it may have on the nation it affects. The state of Alabama will be positively affected by globalization (Mishkin 2009: 187-196). Alabama’s economy depends on various industries to ensure that there is economic growth in the state. Alabama generates its revenue from agriculture with leading products being livestock products. The state’s agricultural produce includes broilers, cattle, eggs, cotton, horticulture and calves. Crop farming comprises 18% of revenue generated from agriculture. The State has manufacturing industries that add value to the raw material imported or from the country. Manufacturing industries in the Sta te increase the revenue generated as the products from the manufacturing industries retail at a higher price compared to the raw material exports. Fishing along the golf of Mexico provides the State with revenue. Mining provides the state with most of the State's revenue with some of the minerals mined include coal, natural gasses and limestone. Mining in the State provides the local people with employment which improves their lifestyle. The service industry also contributes significantly to the State’s economy. The services provided in the state include community based, business government, and personal services (Cunat, 2009:179-212). Effects of trade The revenue generated from taxes levied on imports and exports from local and international businesses enable the government to run its operations. Globalization of economies requires that such trade barriers be eliminated to facilitate the free movement of commodities. The government can generate additional revenue from the bu siness with globalization. Globalization encourages international investors. International investors increase the employment opportunities through the industries they venture into in the State. Imports will increase through globalization. Increased imports enable the citizens of the State to choose from a wide range of products provided in the market. The free trade also facilitates exports such that the industries in Alabama can market their products in all markets they may find profitable. The trade in processed good from the industries in the state ensures that it enjoys favorable terms of trade. Unlike other nations especially the developing nation which star in sale of raw material, Alabama’s finished products may retail at a higher cost thus improving the States terms of trade. Improved trade between other States would ensure that the nation reduces its budget deficits. Budget deficits are as a result of increased government spending compared to the revenue it generates . Increased trade between other States enables the government to collect more revenue from the workers and the industries in the nation thus more revenue generated. Government spending in improvement of infrastructure and provision of some basic amenities can also be reduced by encouraging foreign investments (Andres 2011:885-901). Competition may be viewed as a local industry destroyer with many weak industries falling under the pressure of competition. Competition

Thursday, September 12, 2019

HUMAN SMPILEX VIRUS TYPE 1 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HUMAN SMPILEX VIRUS TYPE 1 - Article Example Moreover, insofar as the Cleveland case was concerned, its presentation in a respected medical journal did lend the required air of credibility. Another link between changes in the immune system, a cofactor (psychological stress), and the recurrence of disease (in this case, genital herpes) was established in 1985 at the University of California at San Francisco, where health psychologist Margaret Kemeny evaluated 40 persons with genital herpes over a six-month period. She analyzed several variables, including measures of stressful life events (daily hassles, anticipated stress), life goals, coping measures, social support, and changing health habits. Blood samples were drawn from the subjects each month so that the investigators could look at possible stress-induced immunological changes. The laboratory diagnosis can help to determine culture of the virus, type of the virus, direct fluorescent antibody, chain reaction, skin biopsy, and other immunological methods which helps to determine anti-HSV antibody. Serological tests are also used for HVS-1 detection, but because of their high costs, they are not popular in medical practice. According to the preliminary findings, subjects with the highest levels of stress suffered the highest rates of herpes recurrence and had changes in their immune systems, notably in the number of helper T-cells in their blood. Moreover, the recurrences were most likely to occur in the month following a major stressful event -- such as the death of a family member, losing a job, failing an exam, or moving -- or in the month following the anticipation of a stressful event. If true, this would be a far greater threat than transfusion-related AIDS. Transfusion can also pass along one of the five members of the human herpes group, the cytomegalovirus (CMV), a slowspreading agent that can cause a mononucleosislike illness, birth defects, and infections in patients whose immune systems have been suppressed (Flint et al 2009). Human Simplex Virus - 1 Even without symptoms, the very possibility that the virus may have entered one's system is enough to paralyze a person with fear. If there is, indeed, as the researchers have shown, a direct association between stress and immune function, the intensity of that stress might very well determine whether someone who has had a questionable contact will develop AIDS or one of the diseases associated with it. On the other hand, as noted earlier, the consensus is that infection with the virus alone is enough to cause AIDS -- that it is the virus that severely damages the immune system, whether the system was previously impaired or not. There is, of course, strong evidence in support of this view. For instance, although there was clinical and laboratory proof of cellular immune dysfunction in each of the cases of AIDS that were turning up in homosexual men, investigators were learning that not all of the victims had a history of underlying immunosuppressive disease or therapy (Flint et al 20 09). According to epidemiological studies, "worldwide 90% of people have one or

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Theories of the Disappearance of Quenn Hatshepsut Essay

Theories of the Disappearance of Quenn Hatshepsut - Essay Example They named him Tuthmosis II who was named heir. The reign of Queen Hatshepsut was one that was intriguing. There are many mysteries that surround her reign in power. It is suspected that her nephew, Thutmose the Third, overtook his inheritance when he was young to become a king. Further accomplishments of the queen were cut short by her disappearance under mysterious circumstances. This was after rising to power, and her nephew immediately took reign and control of the throne. It has been for long speculated that he assassinated her to take control of the throne. This paper is a brief summary of the theories that try to explain her mysterious disappearance. The Evil Stepmother Theory There are many speculations as to why her name was removed from all records. They range from a view that Thutmose III took her to be a wicked stepmother in the dynasty struggle between the two families. There is a tale of how the queen seized power; the resistance of Tuthmosis III to her reign is evident in the way he swiftly ordered the destruction of all of her monuments. The animosity between the two leaders was even present in some early papers that describe the excavations that were produced by the Exploration Society of Egypt in the 1890s. The theory of the wicked stepmother became more dominant in the writing of the queen’s history (Strouhal & Forman, 2006). ... This theory comes into play because of the fact that after Thutmose the Third came to power, he ordered any record of his aunt to be removed completely. He did not want anything to do with her, and this is despite the fact that during her reign, she had achieved many accomplishments that helped the Egyptian society to be successful and grow for many years (Egypt Exploration Society, 2001). The resentment that he had for her could have played a significant part in her disappearance. However, some people believe that he decided to silence everything about his aunt to protect the family’s name. Early scholars, however, believe that Thutmose III had her killed since she had refused to step down as pharaoh when he came of age (Egypt Exploration Society, 2001). Death by Natural Causes Many scholars have speculated that the queen aged and died of natural causes, and after her death, the natural selection of her successor took place, where Thutmose III took charge. The corpse of the q ueen was for many years hidden by Tuthmosis III and buried in secret. It was believed that there was nothing that was left of her body, apart from some fragments that were found in a canopic jar. Archeologists did, however, find a mummified body in the Valley of the Kings that was suspected to be the queen’s. This was later confirmed by a lot of evidence and DNA testing. Some scholars believe that she died of natural causes, and this explained why her liver and other internal body parts were found separate from the body and stored in a jar. Others believe that she died from an abscess after the removal of a tooth (Burgan, 2009). Protection of the Family Name Another accepted theory suggests that Tuthmosis III wanted to cover

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Case study - Essay Example As part of the consultancy services, the bank has found three major underlying problems that led to the issues faced by Hole in the Wall. They are namely, equating performance of the employees with their pay, isolating employees from collaborating and preventing innovation in the process and avoiding conflict management leading to unsettled quality issues and personal enmity. The report analyses the three root problems in details, explores a host of possible solutions for eliminating the problems and recommends the best possible solution to the company for implementation. Equating performance with pay The salesmen are paid exclusively by the commission per window sold, which is often sacrificed while negotiating with clients. The production and fitting teams are also paid based on the number of windows produced and fitted respectively. While this model of compensation is aimed at motivating employees, it leads to unstable salaries, unhealthy sales model and shoddy workmanship (Solomo n and Podgursky, n.d.; Hamel, 2013). To earn maximum commission, the salesmen make unrealistic promises to too many customers without co-ordinating with other units and then to commit to these orders, components are procured in a rush and windows are produced as early as possible, leading to substandard products made from substandard materials. As a result, windows are sent back to the factory for rework, thereby increasing the number of unsatisfied customers. Also, since sales are low during recession, numbers of windows fitted are also less, which leads to falling income of the fitting team, perhaps which is why one of the three fitting teams quit. There are two salary models that can replace performance-based pay and eliminate its consequences: a fixed salary and a hybrid salary. In a fixed salary structure, the employees are paid a consistent remuneration every month. This means they do not have to worry about the financial hardships that their families will go through in the ev ent of bad performance in a particular month due to low sales, economic recession or poor market conditions. This creates stability in income and uniformity in the quality of life, thereby giving a feeling of financial security and contention to the employees. It also boosts productivity as they have more time to focus on work and no worries to make ends meet. In a hybrid salary structure, the employees receive a minimum base pay every month that creates stability in income and uniformity in the quality of life, just like a fixed salary structure. However, outperforming employees also get additional variable income based on their performance, such as, higher sales, more units worked upon or overtime hours done at the factory. Therefore, if an employee wishes for a pay raise besides the regular appraisal, he or she may do so simply by giving a little more attention to work instead of looking for another job with higher salary. It also improves the company’s performance without pressurising employees to deliver more (UC San Diego, 2013). While both the pay structures can solve the present problem of inconsistent monthly remuneration and unhealthy race against time to earn more, the hybrid pay structure seems much more viable for Mr. Barker.

Monday, September 9, 2019

My experience and the impact of growing up with a parent with a Essay

My experience and the impact of growing up with a parent with a disability - Essay Example The first teacher in any child’s life is the parent; the parent provides life lessons that will be useful in a child’s life. Most children do not spend quality time with their parents due to tight working schedules. My mother’s disability has restricted her movement; thus, she spends most of her time at home. Having a flexible schedule meant that my mother was always there for me. She assisted me in my studies and taught me that having a positive attitude in life would make me stronger. I was taught never to give up and never shy away from assistance as it always leads to success (Ostalecki 47). Having a disabled mother has made me a social person. My mother ensured that I made friends in my life to help me deal with challenges that I faced. I help my mother by doing errands at home and assisting her with any challenges she may encounter. Through my mother, I have learned the importance of existing in a society where people love and care for others. I have also learned that traits like humility and kindness are valuable for any individual in society. Having a disabled mother has made me a self reliant individual. Although my mother has been there for me emotionally, her disability restricts her from helping me with physical activities. This made me learn and adapt to caring for myself and helping her with physical activities in the house. Compared to other students in my age group, I am capable of doing many basic chores without any assistance. Doing chores and caring for my mother has made me gain physical and emotional strength (Ostalecki 89). I and my mother are close, and we shared a lot as I grew up. Every time I have a troubling issue, I consult her, and she is always there to give me advice. Through her experience, she teaches me to be courageous and never give up. She insists that it is always beneficial to hope when faced with any challenge in life. Her disability has made her strong

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Human Resources Management 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Resources Management 4 - Essay Example After implementing the policy of casual dress policy, Digital Device started to face few issues. The employee’s behavior became more casual with the clients resulting in complaints to the sales manager. The Casual dress should be allowed but there should also be certain rules and regulations with respect to casual dressing among the employees. The policy should be revised in accordance with the HR manager and list of approved and not approved items. However after implementing the casual dress policy and revising it again after few months might not be acceptable for the employees and they might not agree to the revised list as to which of the type of casual dress to be followed. It is very important to communicate the changes that are to be taken place in the organization to its respective employees. Here the HR department plays a vital role as it is the duty of the HR to communicate the revised policy to the employees. The revised policy can be communicated personally to each department by conducting meetings with the respective teams by the HR head. This might have a positive impact on the employees rather than just sending mails and listing the revised policy in the notice board. The policy of losing the job if one found to be guilty of smoking or stealing has been practiced in most of the organizations. The new policy treat cigarettes as an illegal narcotic and aims to adopt a free smoker free workplace. If the policy is mentioned in the contract before joining the organization it can be viewed to be legal and very much ethical. The organizations aim to provide with a healthy working area and also ensuring proper health of the employees. At Health Unlimited each of the employees is required to sign a statement stating that the employee is a non smoker and will not smoke either at work or away from work. It was also stated that if anybody found guilty would be discharged from the job.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Mike, who is the loss prevention and security manager and has been working in the retail store for more than ten years, has noticed that a diamond studded watch is missing. Mike has ruled out external theft, after studying the videotapes by the closed-circuit TV on that fateful day. The relevant facts in this particular case are: The decision to fire Todd just because he failed a lie detector is not enough grounds to dismiss him, unless if there is new and substantial evidence, implicating Todd, that could be helpful in dismissing Todd. The primary stakeholders in this case are; Susan the human resources manager, Mike-the loss prevention/ security manager and Todd the salesperson. The possible alternatives in this case include forgetting the whole issue about firing Todd and retaining him and his duties just like before. The other alternative could be having a candid discussion with Todd and making him confess out of his own volition. If this happens, the human resources could then take the necessary measures that are suitable in dismissing Todd in a decent procedural manner that will not bring any legal proceedings against the retail store. The ethics of the alternative is that everything will be carried out in the right legal way instead of using information that can be challenged in a court of law. The other employees will thus feel they are not being victimized and that their employer is in sync with their situation. It will also help save the retail store face and make the employees more confident in their jobs and the retail shop in general. The practical constraint to this whole scenario is the issue of bringing Todd to confess to having stolen the watch. This could be really hard, since as any other employee, Todd wants to retain his job. The issue of also proving that Mark stole the watch is quite hard, being the fact that there are no witnesses ready to testify against Todd. The closed circuit camera footages are also not able to show

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free

The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity Essay The most common definition of this term is a social ranking by social wealth. An example would be a family whose income level categorizes them below the poverty line, versus a family whose income level categorizes them far above the poverty line. This is when an oppressor uses race to determine who is and is not privileged. These determinations are made by assigning characteristics to races and dividing them into groups. At minimum, characteristics include physical or cultural traits. This is a broad generalization about groups which does not account for individual differences. An example would be if a person were to generalize that all people from New York City are pushy. Among many others, Chinese Americans, African American, Native Americans and Caucasians are examples of this group. Members of such a group can be identified by obvious physical differences. This occurs when a dominant group forces a minority group to live, work, or socialize separately. The high index of Blacks and Whites living separately in Detroit, Michigan is an example. Another way of describing a minority group, this type of group comprises people of certain race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability. Members of such a group exhibit five distinct characteristics. This occurs when a person, or the group to which that person belongs, assumes the characteristics of a dominant group. An example would be a Native American choosing to abandon his or her cultural norms in favor of United States norms. This group is associated with a faith other than that of the dominant group. For example, individuals who practice Buddhism in the United States belong to this type of group. This perspective maintains that groups in society may express their cultures without facing prejudice or hostility. In part, it can be seen in some of the larger United States cities.

Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free

Energy Drinks Essay The use of energy drinks in the United States has increased more than the controversial consumption of regular sodas. According to Coca-Cola executives, profits from energy products since 2005 through 2008 will total $540 million, compared with $210 million for regular soft drinks, $130 million for bottled water and $290 million for sports drinks (Warner). So what is it about this drinks that make them more popular than our pure and vital water? The answer is very simple; our hectic lifestyles. Today’s society is filled with exhaustion and high stress levels; many people rely on energy drinks to give them that second wind, which helps them stay awake through a test, and even revive them for a party. According to Simmons Research, thirty-one percent of teenagers in the United States say they drink energy drinks on a regular basis. People use energy drinks to boost their energy so they can be able to perform better, but because energy drinks contain ingredients that harm the human body they should be banned all over the world. There are some factors that increase the popularity of energy drinks. For example the easy to grab structure in which they are packed. The small container makes it quick to drink down, and the smaller scale gives the impression that the contents are more concentrated, which attracts the consumer even more. The color of the energy drinks is another reason for their popularity; a combination of bright and vivid colors such as acidic greens and yellows, black and red suggest a sense of energy and high performance. The mystery flavor in energy drinks is another reason why these drinks are consumed in excess. Compared to a typical juice offering, there is little or nothing about energy drink packaging to tell the consumer what the product tastes like. Instead, the graphic emphasis is more on the consumers sensibilities and attitude than flavor or thirst (Patterns). It is pathetic to see how big companies and manufacturers of these products use the ignorance and lack of knowledge of people to make a profit. Unfortunately we cannot victimize ourselves and blame everything on them. We are responsible for what we do and I believe that we should do some research before we buy a product that is obviously not natural at all. Energy drinks are made up of caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, ginkgo, ephedrine, B vitamins and many other sugars. Caffeine is one of the most active ingredients in energy drinks; it is a psychoactive substance found in the beans, leaves and fruit of over 60 plants; it stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular system. Taurine is an amino acid that our body naturally produces, but in energy drinks the taurine is a synthetic element. It helps regulate heartbeat, muscle contractions, and energy levels. Usually our body makes enough so that we don’t need to supplement. Guarana is derived from South America plants and it contains approximately three times more caffeine than coffee beans. It stimulates the central nervous system, cardiac muscle, as well as the respitarory system. B vitamins help convert sugar to energy. Ginseng is an herbal stimulant used to cure, from stress to poor memory to diabetes. Gingko is another herbal stimulant that is used to treat memory loss, headaches, ringing in the ears and depression. Ephedrine is a stimulant, used as a decongestant in treatments of asthma. The chemical structure is similar to amphetamines and methamphetamines. This stimulant is found in weight loss pills, it speeds up metabolism by causing energy that is acquired from food to burn faster. These ingredients do not sound harmful at all. Many of them are natural and even beneficial for our health. So why have energy drinks been banned in a few countries? Lets me now introduce to you the negative sides of all these ingredients. According to Roland Griffiths, a professor in behavioral biology, the amount of caffeine that is necessary to produce dependency and withdrawal symptoms is about 100 milligrams a day. A can of energy drink has 80 to 160 milligrams (Warner). Some of the side effects that the use of caffeine creates are dependency, diarrhea, copious urination and headaches. It also increases the heart rate, blood flow, respiratory rate, and metabolic rate for several hours. Caffeine causes anxiety, irritability, high sensitivity to noise, and self-mutilations. There are four caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition: caffeine-induce anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS). Caffeine is also associated with a high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease in men. The side-effects that taurine causes are almost the same as caffeine, but many people claim that it kills your heart, since it is found in the central nervous system, skeletal and is more heavily concentrated in heart tissues and the brain. Taurine found in energy drinks is a synthetic vitamin that does not perform the same functions in the human body as vitamins found naturally in whole food nutrients would. These vitamins actually deplete the body of other nutrients, and overstretch your kidneys before being excreted through the urine. The side effects of Ginseng are nervousness, insomnia, and diarrhea. The effects of ginkgo are restlessness, upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. A soft drink usually has 19 to 25 grams of sugar in each eight-ounce serving. Energy drinks on average contain more than this. Red Bull, for example, contains 27 grams of sugar per serving of 250 milliliters (a little over eight ounces). This can be very dangerous, for an overload of sugar can lead to gastric emptying. This often results in nausea and vomiting. As it was stated above each of the ingredients that a energy drink contain have several and powerful side effects when taken separately, imagine how dangerous they be can when taken all at the same time. People are using energy drinks as an alternate for proper rest, nutrition, and exercise like the spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, Roberta Anding said (Ellis). Many health problems can develop from the lack of proper rest like a weakened immune system, depression, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. The best substitute of energy drinks is water. Our body is 55 to 75 percent made out of water and its benefits are countless. Water improves energy, increases mental and physical performance, removes toxins and waste products from the body, keeps the skin healthy and glowing, helps to lose weight, reduces headaches and dizziness, helps digestion, helps the heart work better, reduces stress, and prevents urinary tract infections by flushing out impurities from the body. Many people that do not like to drink water can replace the energy drinks with natural juices such as orange which are 87 percent water or by eating cucumbers which are 95 percent water. Milk is another liquid that can replace energy drinks. Milk is our first source of nutrition when we are born; we are fed with this liquid before he can digest other food. Milk is made out of saturated fat, protein, calcium and vitamin C. Saturated fat provides the building blocks for cell membranes and it also acts as a carrier for vitamins A, D, E and K. This fat makes the lungs healthier, prevents stroke, and protects kidneys from diseases. Calcium makes up 70 percent of the bone weight and gives it strength and rigidity. Vitamin C helps the body produce a basic component of connective tissues called collagen. Collagen is an important element in the blood vessel walls, gums, and bones. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, it helps boost immune function protects against cancer, cataracts, deterioration of the retina, and other chronic diseases. Nowadays we live in a society that is always on the go and we are always looking for ways to get more energy to be able to get through school, work or any other duties that we may have. But putting our lives in danger by consuming energy drinks is not worth it. The government should definitely do something about it instead of letting some people get rich by the ignorance and lack of knowledge of most of the people that consume these harmful drinks. Works Cited Clayton, Lawrence. Amphetamines and Other Stimulants. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. , 1998. Ellis, Steven. Energy drinks bubble up. The Christian Science Monitor. 7 June 2007. 20 November 2007 Goldish, Meish. The Dangers of Herbal Stimulants. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. , 1998. Gustafson, C. J. The Health Benefits Of Drinking Water. 2005. 22 November 2007 Warner, Melanie. A Jolt of Caffeine, by the Can. New York Times 23 Nov. 2005. 20 November 2007.